Chapter forty eight

"Why are you acting in this manner? You know what you did was not fair at all. In the smallest of all crimes, you kept me in the dark. To me, that was heartbreaking. I want to talk to Cory, but I will finish with you first," Malie said.


"I am sorry. I am really Sorry. Staying on my own wasn't easy these few days. I feel empty, and I don't know how to handle the whole situation. You know what to say to others, but you don't. Loneliness is already a big punishment, please. Come back home, please," I begged her.



"That is your business. I will not come back here. I will not state where I am not cared about or appreciated. We are done with all the lies, pretense, hard life, and fake love. I will return to the Tribe, and I will find my new place there. You have done a whole lot of good things for me. I appreciate that." She said and walked into the house. It looked like she wanted to talk to Cory.