Chapter ninety six

Heather's POV


I followed him and I knew I should not have done so. I didn't feel bad, but I felt the hurt inside of me. How could he have done that to me?


All my life, I have been extremely submissive to him. I have done everything he told me to. I took him as a friend. I walked back to my stinky apartment. It wasn't stinking, but my heart was going. I didn't have the conscience I had before. I didn't go through my phone in days and when I picked it up the first thing I saw was an anonymous message.


It reminded me about the meeting I had with Alysa trying to get all the information I needed because I was feeling unnecessarily uneasy. I decided that I was going to keep to myself. I decided that no matter how anyone else tried becoming close to me, I will remain locked up.


I picked up the message and I read it again. I had to do it to fulfil all righteousness. I had no other choice.