Journey to Mars

The flying saucer quickly collided with the layers of the black hole

Leader: Are we close to the last hatch?

Soldiers: We don't see it, the car shakes us and we're afraid the roaming will fall39

Leader: Is he awake?

Soldiers: He's in a coma, we don't know if he's alive or dead

Commander: Do something, to get him up, more white energy in his balloon

Soldiers: Yes, we will, it's very difficult

Soldiers: He's screaming, my eyes hurt, I've lost my mind, my legs and my hands,40

Soldiers: The commander asks you for help

Roaming: we are in the pit layers, the speed of the flying saucer must be increased, remember that the vibration shaft, which is placed under the seats vehicles have helical rings, put in the field with a force that will drive us away

Commander: Soldiers open the pressure device at the beginning of the loop.

Soldiers: The hole throws us out, we survived, sir, we are in space, and next to us is Mars41

Leader: Does your friend want to go to him?

Soldiers: Yes, we want to rest there

Flying saucer landed on Mars

Soldiers roll the roaming balloon and communicate with it with the black energy device, are you ok

Roaming: Yes, where are we, it's a red land,42

Soldiers: On the red planet, look there the probe sent by man,

Soldiers: Shall we break it?

Roaming: No, I like seeing Mars while I'm on Earth, and people want to explore space

Is there life or not?

Roaming: Did creatures live here?

Soldiers: There are traces indicating that strange creatures lived here and disappeared due to the high temperature of the universe

Roaming: I see a small planet43

Soldiers: It's planet Earth.

Roaming: I want to go back to Earth, there is sea, trees, water, food, air, I can move as I want, here I move in a balloon, there is nothing

Commander: Soldiers, have you noticed that a big planet will collide with Earth soon

Soldiers: laughing, it will shatter and be swallowed by the black hole

Roaming: I helped you survive,

Commander: Alright, let's go protect the blue land