Mukhtar and Stephen meet at the lake

The chosen one descends from the bird's saucer to the ground and kisses it and cries. You are my life52

Soldiers: We will leave a message for you via your magical device, good times, goodbye, talent loss

The mukhtar wears his purple hat and heads towards the lake

On the other hand, Stephen walks towards the lake

Stephen: Here's the lake, and I've only got a little walk left and I'll be there53

The Mukhtar arrived at the lake and told himself: I will dive to refresh my body and get rid of the rays of space

The Chosen One put on his hat and plunged into the lake, and in the meantime Stephen reached the lake

He found the Violet Hat on the lake shore, while the Mukhtar was diving in the lake

Stephen: This hat says you're here, my friend54

Stephen shouted, "Where are you, Chosen One?"

Mukhtar close to the beach

Stephen: Stretch out your hand my friend, so I can help you

Steve is crying, I thought you were dead and won't come back

Mukhtar: Did the blue light shine?

Stephen: No

Al-Mukhtar: Longing does not end, put hope in your hands, life is like lights, one day it turns out and lights up again forever55

Stephen: You're right, take your hat, let's go home, my mom and sister are waiting there

Steven: I have a water bottle on the bike, I'll get it and fill it up

The chosen one: pour water on it

Stephen, rub it well

Mukhtar: I will put it on a tree branch so that it dries up and the rays of space disappear from it, so let's rest a little