fainting states

Roaming when entering the hospital calls for urgency as we have a patient in a serious condition.86

Doorman: Give me the ID card

Roaming: Please

Door owner: Your name is chosen, you are roaming, you are allowed to enter

Doctor: What happened to him?87

He was standing talking and suddenly fell to the ground

The doctor measures blood pressure and sugar level

Doctor: I have completed one of the tests.88

Roaming: what to do, call a psychiatrist, take Stephen to the emergency department

When the psychiatrist came,

Psychiatrist: Who are you?89

Roaming: a friend

Psychiatrist: Explain to me the facts of the accident

Roaming: The white light is off.90

Doctor: Do you mean to press the button, to turn off the lamp that lights up, I will do that

And light a candle next to you and while pressing the button, and if suddenly the wanderer falls unconscious

Doctor: Call the head of the medical department, come quickly, he lost consciousness

Chief Physician: Who?

Psychiatrist: Roaming91

Chief Doctor: You mean there is no holiday, the Corona virus is back

Psychiatrist: Come on, he's unconscious

Head of interest: but it is in the urgency department

Psychiatrist: We are stupid, how do I explain to you92

The psychiatrist left the bed roving on the bed until medical notice, and went looking at Stephen

The psychiatrist addresses the doctor: Did he wake up?

Doctor: He spoke and said turn on the orange light, I'm hungry, it's lunch time, then he started saying I'm stupid, I turned on the black light93

Doctor: Do you understand something, my friend?

Psychiatrist: It's in another world, the world of feelings