Silver light up for game party

And in the evening, a festive stage was held in the center of the square, parents and children came to the school to watch the party. [148)

Roaming Game: Sit Stephen in the game, and the party will begin

School students began to sing "Turn off the lights, turn on the silver lamp." The roaming games we love don't leave us without talent.

Game Roaming: My dear students, by my side Stephen Jim, we will leave you as soon as the party is over.

Viewers: Don't let us walk around screaming and crying149

Game Instructions: Let me be clear, Stephen and I got into the game in your time, we're from antiquity, and I live there. I was young, and Stephen is still a little kid, he wants to see his country. and his mother 150

Viewers: Our time is your time, but we are far from you. do what you want

Game Roaming: Hey Steven Game Talk about what you've written about people helping to save their planet

Stephen C: Ladies and gentlemen, I don't have much left because time is running out, I had the pleasure of visiting you, and I will never forget this party.151

Viewers: You'll live in the present tense again

Stephen the Game: When I get old

People, you live your time in peace, but I left life in my time, it became too difficult, pessimistic, lack of confidence, wars, earthquakes, fires, lack of lunch. To their people: Do not make yourselves like toys, turn off the lights 152

A message to you: Preserve love, cooperation and peace, and preserve your planet

goodbye guys

Game Roaming: Only 1 second left, let's turn off the lights and turn on the white lights

Viewers: Bye, the roaming of the game is gone, tears are falling like rain from eyes, bye, bye