Rubens Mikoto

Coming home, Mikoto was holding a bottle of red liquid, it was the healing potion, she was excited to give her husband

The family house was simple but comfortable, it had 2 bedrooms and was made of stone.

Mikoto entered the house and went to her room.

In bed, a middle aged man was sleeping, he looked good but was very thin due to not getting out of bed for 3 years

In his prime Rubens had tanned skin, black hair and a muscular 1.90 m tall body, Mikoto fell in love at first sight.

A handsome young warrior and a young waitress, the two fell in love at first sight and just a few days later, Rubens took Mikoto's virginity.

Mikoto got pregnant and the two got married, they lived happily with a very active sex life, but for some reason Mikoto only had one daughter who is now 16 years old.

"Husband, I'm here" Mikoto said lovingly

Rubens opened his eyes slowly, his skin was pale but he still smiled at the sight of his wife.

"that....good" Rubens spoke slowly

Mikoto felt sadness, her husband looked even worse

"Here, drink this!" Mikoto said and poured the potion into his mouth.

Rubens just took it without question, even if it was poison he would be happy to let his wife go free.

In the last 3 years, Rubens tells Mikoto to leave him, he didn't want to be a burden to his family, so he would accept to die if it was poison.

However, Mikoto was the perfect wife, it wasn't poison and soon Rubens felt his body improve.

The pallor of his body faded a little, now he felt he could sit up in bed

"My that a potion?" Rubens did not believe

Healing potions even at level 1 is expensive, only level B adventurers can afford

"yes, don't ask where i bought it" Mikoto

"wife...did you use our daughter's school money?" Rubens

"Idiot husband, what kind of mother do you think I am? now try and see if you can stand" Mikoto

Rubens turned red but obey Your arms were better

"Hahahaha although I don't feel my leg, now I can at least drag myself" Rubens

Rubens was happy, even without walking as long as he can use his arms, he can get some job making pottery

As a man, letting his wife support the family alone is the biggest sadness that Rubens has, he just wanted to help his wife

" love I'm so happy" Mikoto smiled, tears fell from her eyes

Rubens saw the beautiful woman cry with joy and couldn't resist, he grabbed her to hug her.

Rubens hugged Mikoto, the two kissed in bed, after 3 years it was the first time she felt her husband's heat

Mikoto kissed Rubens' mouth, her body burned with heat, 3 years without sex was hard

Mikoto used her hand and put it in her husband's pants, she felt Rubens' big dick but it was still flaccid

Rubens tried to get an erection, but it wouldn't come up.

Mikoto spent 5 minutes masturbating Rubens to try to get his penis erect, but it was no use

Rubens took Mikoto's hand out of his pants and cried.

"my love... forgive me I can't do that" Rubens

"Alright..... I messed up, you're still recovering it's too early for that" Mikoto said

the two kissed more and then she went to the bathroom to shower

In the bathtub, Mikoto used her fingers to dig into her pussy and masturbate, she moaned low in pleasure and tried not to make any noise.

However, Rubens had dragged himself with his hands to look in the bathroom, he saw his wife masturbating

Rubens felt very bad, not only could he not help financially, but he could not even satisfy his wife.

Rubens thought about it, he felt it was too useless, but Mikoto didn't want to divorce him.

'Maybe....she needs a lover' Rubens

He loves Mikoto so much and didn't want to let her lose sex at just 32 years old.