bare breasts

Mikoto went back to work, saw Claudia go by and go to the bathroom with a little white in her mouth, apparently a handjob wasn't enough

Mikoto felt disgusted, doing this in exchange for a few tip coins is humiliating

Upon returning to work, Mikoto suddenly froze

A tall, strong man came through the door, his muscles were visible as he was not wearing a shirt, he was Belwolf

"Hahaha look my favorite waitress, come here and serve me" Belwolf spoke loudly towards Mikoto

Next to Bwlwolf were 3 other people, 3 men with swords on their backs and they were supposed to be Belwolf's subordinates, the 4 sat at the table

Mikoto sighed, she couldn't run away if she wouldn't offend an A-class warrior, she walked over to the table and her eyes accidentally landed on Belwolf's strong chest.

Mikoto couldn't deny that Belwolf's body was attractive, it just seemed armored with so much body definition.

"What is your order?" Mikoto

"I didn't hear right, sit here on my lap and talk" Belwolf

His rough and big hand grabbed Mikoto, she didn't resist much and ended up in the strong warrior's lap

Belwolf's hand grabbed her white thigh and squeezed, Mikoto felt her body tingle.

"What is your request?" Mikoto repeated

the other 3 men looked at Mikoto and appreciated her beauty

"I think I'll have a salted fish with lots of beer" one of the shorter warriors said

"I want the famous bread and beer!" said the other that he was a little fat

the last one was a tall, bald black man, he was the deputy leader of the Belwolf guild called Alberto

Alberto looked at Mikoto, licked his lips and said

"I love white meat, I want a big piece of chicken" Alberto, he spoke looking directly at Mikoto's cleavage

Mikoto blushes but writes everything down

"Hahaha Alberto has good taste, but know that this white meat is mine, my, what do you suggest I eat?" Belwolf

Mikoto felt her body being squeezed by Belwolf

Mikoto got hot, Belwolf's touch was great

"I recommend...the house wine, to eat our fish with rice is great" Mikoto said with a red face

"that's it, go prepare our orders" Belwolf

Mikoto got up from Belwolf's lap and walked, when suddenly a loud sound was heard and she felt a slap on her ass.


Belwolf laughed as he slapped Mikoto's white ass hard.

Mikoto ignored the reaction of everyone around her and with a red face, walked to the kitchen to take the orders.

5 minutes later she returned, however the table now had 5 people as Claudia was sitting on Alberto's lap

Mikoto brought everything and then again Belwolf put her on his lap

"Hahahah that white meat looks great" Alberto said while holding Claudia's breasts

"Totally Agree" Belwolf

Soon Mikoto felt his strong hands on her cleavage, her white breasts were tight.

"Sounds good, but does it look as good?" Albert

Alberto surprising everyone, simply lowered Claudia's blouse leaving her with her breasts fully exposed.

Claudia didn't react, her breasts were white and large although smaller than Mikoto's, not only the men at the table but the customers around them looked at those breasts with desire

Mikoto couldn't believe what she saw, although the blouse had a sensual neckline it still covered her breasts, but now Claudia was left with her breasts 100% exposed

"It's good, but mine are better" Belwolf

Mikoto who was still distracted suddenly felt her blouse lowering

Two huge white breasts were on display for all to see, her areola around her nipple was big and pink matching her pink nipples

"AHHHH" Mikoto screamed and tried to cover her breasts with her arms.


*option 1, cover your chests and go against Belwolf's wishes, rewards = Belwolf favorability -50*

*option 2, show your boobs fully and make Belwolf happy, rewards = your daughter's talent +10*