not so lucky...

''How do you like to uniform" the Taylor asked "umm nice I guess" I replied trying so hard not to show how uncomfortable I was but at last I failed....terribly but I guess the tailor didn't care because I knew I was uncomfortable she knew cuz I wasn't a very good actor but still kept that sarcastic smile on and said "good to know! now hurry up,classes are about to start".

Ok let's start from the top hi... I'm ivie stones and I am currently going to the biggest high school in America... I know am a G. Not that I want to brag but I got all A's and B's last semester and because of my big brains I was able to get a scholarship to the school.

Okay... so the school has so much to offer and I know for a fact that if I work hard I will finally be able to study astrology in the best university (PS North Harvard) but the school is a nightmare why you may ask well the school (Royal Woods) is technically for the rich, and Rich kids are spoilt which means they're bratty and rude also the uniform is so luxurious which i like but it's short. not like Milan short its short short and I don't think I can bend down to pick up my pen or whatever that might fall. Anyways I left the uniform room and started walking to my homeroom, the short break was on and I only had 10 minutes before classroom began since I knew no one I was pretty much praying for the break to end.

While I was walking around school giving myself a tour I bumped into a girl and we both fell on our butt.

"oww what the f***" the girl said while rubbing her head. probably not caring if I was ok or not. when she finally stood up she looked me from head to toe then straight into my eyes, I literally wanted to jump when she did that like bro you just finished judging me with your eyes now you want to take my soul NO THANKS!!

After a while she rolled her eyes and decided to leave I felt a huge relief come over me but it was gone immediately she turned back to give me one more evil glare then she left. all I was thinking about at that moment was to never see her again which might not be possible I really just wanted to cry on the spot listening to my brother last night was very stupid of me he made me push away reality and enter my imaginary world thanks a lot AUSTIN!

" snap! now I'm late for class....just great can this day get any better" see that's the sentence I shouldn't have said because there was a pack of pigeons on an electric wire and they decided to do their business on me...yes me sooo my hair, uniform and even the new school shoe I got was designed with bird duwkey I just wanted to scream but I was afraid that bird poop my enter my mouth.

it wasn't fair that all this was happening to me on my first day. forget it's my first day in this school but I just had an indoor spa with my big bro Austin yesterday I even had a good pic of Us in Mud Mask..... but I guess it didn't matter anymore because now I was covered in bird poop and I'm pretty sure the birds were laughing at me specially the one in the middle. *sigh* guess I wasnt so lucky after all.