Chapter 4

Claude stayed at the Bale Manor in Corsor for four more days.

The first night she met Claude, Lia was unable to sleep because whenever she closed her eyes, she would hear a gunshot followed by the cries of a beast. Betty said it was because Kieran was off hunting with Claude, Lord Torin, and a few others.

Lia couldn't understand them. Why were they hunting at night instead of during the day? Besides, because they were not yet of age, their only prey was small critters. Were they hunting for fun rather than for food?

She covered the window that faced the grounds with a large blanket. Betty, surprised by her actions, installed a proper curtain, which unfortunately did nothing to muffle the gunshots firing in the distance.

"Wake up, my lord. It's already morning!"

Lia woke up in a daze, exhausted. It was the first time she had a proper night's sleep since Claude's departure, but she kept nodding off even as she sat up in bed.

However, she had to wake up. She had to be at breakfast, which was the only time she could meet the marchioness. Still half asleep, Lia crawled into Betty's arms. Betty scooped her up and carried her to the washbasin, where she gave Lia's face a thorough cleaning and brushed her unkempt hair.

Finally wide awake, Lia skillfully put on her pants and belt. This routine had become second nature to her, but she was scared at how easily she had adjusted to these luxuries.

So, whenever she looked in the mirror, she recalled what she looked like when she was covered in grime. She needed to remind herself of how she looked before so that her mother could recognize her when they met again.

Betty straightened the crooked cravat around Lia's neck and smiled with satisfaction.

"There you go. Now, let's go to breakfast."


Lia was nervous but not afraid.

During her first meal with the marchioness, she sat there simply staring at the decadent food, unable to eat because she didn't know how to use the utensils. It didn't help that she was unfamiliar with table etiquette either.

Since that day, Lia had worked hard to learn how to use them. Luckily, she had a knack for memorization, so it was easy for her. She still got nervous in front of the marchioness, but she no longer starved.

"You're here," said Lady Bale as she put down the newspaper and looked up.

Kieran, who was sitting diagonally from her, greeted Lia with a bright smile.

"Come sit. I asked them to prepare my favorite egg dish for breakfast today. Do you like eggs?"

She didn't know what they were, but she answered in the way she was taught.

"Yes, brother."

Her voice shook a little as she said "brother," a word she had now gotten used to saying. The marchioness was strict, but she was also kind. She had every right to hate Lia, but she always greeted her with a benevolent smile. She was tough but never hysterical.

This was a stark difference to Lia's mother, who occasionally became nonsensical after having one too many drinks.

Kieran tapped his cup with a spoon to summon the servants that laid out their meal.

The warm egg dish was savory, and the marchioness looked at Lia's plate for a fleeting moment before speaking.

"I heard your lessons are going well."

Lia swallowed quickly to answer her. "Th-they're fun."

"That's great to hear," Lady Bale said in a coaxing manner. "Your brother was at the top of his class at the Academy. With enough effort, I'm sure you'll be able to emulate his achievements, Camellius."

Lia still felt anxious, but she nodded enthusiastically. "Yes, ma'am."

Kieran frowned as he popped his egg yolk. "It has only been a week since Lius started his lessons. He's giving his best effort, Mother."

"Effort isn't a word you should use lightly, Kieran."

"If Father were here, he would have told Lius to run around and play instead of studying."

"Can't you see that I was addressing Lius?" said Lady Bale, raising her voice.

Lia wished she could just remove herself from the dinner table. Feeling responsible for the confrontation, it felt as if the food she had swallowed was forming a ball in her stomach.

"Please don't press him too hard, Mother. He hasn't slept much in the past four days, thanks to Lord Claude's musket firing day and night. "

Kieran was the only person who could melt the ice-cold marchioness, and Lia admired him for that.

He's so kind to notice I hadn't gotten any sleep.

Perhaps it was because of Kieran, but Lady Bale did not mention her studies again. The tension between them subsided, but Lia, much like on her first day here, felt very uncomfortable and couldn't finish her meal.

Kieran ordered some sherbet for the two of them when the marchioness left.

"I met Lord Claude at the Academy. We're the same age, but he's far more exceptional. You should join us next time we hunt. I'm sure you'll do much better with a gun than me."

"But I've never even held a gun before."

"There's a first time for everything. Besides, I don't think I can ever return to the Academy."

Lia understood what Kieran meant and lowered her head in response.

What a peculiar place this is.

Nobody in this house ever questioned who she was or why she was assuming the role of a young lord. They acted as if she had always lived there. They were all polite and seemed more noble than her. Every day felt like a strange dream to Lia.

"Lord Camellius. Master Theodore is here. Please, join us, Lord Kieran."

The manor had already started preparing for the coming winter. The hearths were filled with firewood, and mink blankets adorned the drawing room couches. Lia was suddenly reminded of how she survived with only two sets of clothing just last winter.

She put aside her sad thoughts and followed Kieran gallantly. Despite having no one to instruct her, Lia had learned what was expected of her.

They could see Master Theodore from a distance. After exchanging greetings with him, Kieran suddenly broke into a coughing fit as he made toward the study. Anghar, with a sympathetic look on his face, ran to his side to support him.

Despite the pain, Kieran's eyes never lost their sparkle. He was Lord Kieran Bale after all. And Lia knew then that she could never take his place.


"The marquis just passed Cruzen Plains! He will be in Corsor within the hour."

It had been exactly thirty days since Lia's arrival. The rose-colored sunset painted the pure white walls of the manor, and the servants scrambled around in preparation.

"The marquis? Now?" Lia asked half asleep while rubbing her eyes.

Pipi, who was waiting on her in Betty's place, pulled at Lia's hand with an excited look on her face.

"It has been three months since he left! We cannot have you greeting the marquis unkempt like this. We must get you into clean clothes right away!"

Pipi always took delight in dressing Lia, who was prettier than most girls, as if she was playing with a doll.

Any other noble child would have been furious being treated that way, but Lia was always kind, almost obedient. Pipi pitied her and was drawn to her even more.

It was clear to her that such a handsome child would surely grow up to be the talk of high society. And even more so if he followed in the marquis's legacy and enlisted in the Navy.

She was muttering to herself with her hands together as if she was praying when Lia asked, "Am I to wear those clothes over there?"

"Oh, yes! Don't you think the yellow in the vest goes well with your eyes, my lord?"

"It's pretty. I mean, yes."

She did her best to dress Lia up because while the marchioness emphasized tidiness and modesty, Pipi thought it a sin for such a handsome boy to wear conservative clothes.

Lia's heart began to pound as she saw the servants running around decorating the manor outside of her window. It was becoming more real to her that she really had a father.


A carriage drawn by eight horses stopped in front of Bale Manor as darkness began to fall. The servants of the house lined the path to greet the marquis.

Lia stood nervously next to Kieran, who had been confined in his room the past few days as his illness worsened. Lia was happy to see him, but she could not smile. Despite his sickly complexion, Kieran held her hand and smiled at her, shaking his head slightly as if he was telling her to not be afraid.

The door to the carriage opened, and the marquis stepped out. With his sparkling blond hair and beautiful green eyes, he looked exactly like his portrait. He looked at Lady Bale and Kieran, then his gaze rested on Camellia.


The marquis sweetly called for his wife with his arms spread wide. Lady Bale fell into his embrace with a smile on her face. A beautiful couple, a harmonious family. It was like a scene from a poetic song.

Lia suddenly felt flushed. It was the same fear she had felt when she'd first come to consciousness in the manor.

She let go of Kieran's hand and took a step back, but Betty, who was also trembling, stood behind her and gave her shoulders a squeeze.

The marquis kissed his wife on the cheek and moved on to pat Kieran's head. His eyes then landed on Lia. He did not show any surprise at seeing her as if he had already received the news.


The marquis crouched down to meet Lia's eyes, which were holding back tears.

"Come here."

The marquis quietly hugged her. His frock smelled of winter.