Chapter 13

"I can talk to you from here." Lia tried to remain calm as she refused to sit next to Claude.

"There is something I need to check. Come here," Claude insisted.


Once again, Claude arrogantly beckoned her with his finger.

I don't know what he wants to check, nor do I want to hear what he has to say.

As Lia stood firm, Claude sighed and crossed his long legs on top of the table.

"You think I'm a scoundrel, don't you?"

"No, my lor—"

"Be careful of Prince Wade."


Lia turned her head at Claude's unexpected warning and noticed the frown on his face.

"The Prince likes beautiful and sparkling things—regardless of gender, status, or background. So heed my warning and keep your distance."

Confused, Lia lifted her gaze from the ground.

Claude crossed his arms across his chest and shook his head disapprovingly. He then took off his jacket and lay on the sofa as if he were about to take a nap.

"The fact that your voice hasn't changed yet doesn't help either."