Chapter 18

The marchioness's words were firm, but her voice was kind. Lia quickly glanced at Kieran, who looked irritated, and carefully took a seat across from her.

"Come to my room once you are done speaking with Mother," said Kieran as he gently tapped Lia on the shoulder. "There's something I must tell you."

"Yes, brother," Lia replied.

Kieran gripped her shoulder for a moment before walking out of the room. The marchioness directed her fiery gaze toward where he had been standing; it was rare to see him ever rebel against his mother.

"I must say," she began as she locked her eyes on Lia, "it's good to see you and Kieran getting along even though you've been apart for so long. Have you been keeping in touch?"

"No, this is my first time seeing him in four years," Lia responded.

"Is that so? Well, Kieran is quite the thoughtful boy."

She slowly fanned herself then glanced at Lia, who was staring back at her.

"You leave for the capital the day after tomorrow?"