Lia dropped the last breadcrumb.
She could smell the Lyon River nearby. The ground was rickety and unstable, making it hard to stand. She was getting dizzy with every step, which could only mean they were on a boat—most likely a decent-sized one for fishing.
She had seen three men kidnapping her in the alley, but other footsteps joined them as they moved. By the time they boarded the boat, she had heard about ten other people greet them.
So around fifteen in total?
The man who was carrying Lia on his shoulder threw her down carelessly on the hard floor. She barely managed to quell her screams of pain in order to maintain her charade of being unconscious.
"Let's cut her hair," a voice said. "You saw how the young lord cared for her. Marilyn Selby is nothing to him compared to this one."
"You're right," another voice agreed. "She's different. I think we're in for big money this time. How thrilling would it be to carry out the rebellion with the duke's money?!"