Chapter 41

Part 05. A Scentless Flower

The night's downpour faded into a foggy morning.

"Extra, extra! The Night Killer has been captured! Read all about it in The Danning Daily!" The newsboy's voice rang through the streets, starkly unlike the past weeks when the papers were filled with nothing but dismal news. Now, newspapers were flying off the stands, and the capital was abuzz with stories of the brave army and city watch.

Lia read the paper in the carriage on the way to her father's townhouse. Her bruises ached every time the carriage shook, forming beads of sweat on her forehead. Lia wiped them away—she couldn't show any signs that she was unwell to Kieran and the marchioness, who had no clue of the incident. The carriage shook particularly strongly as the wheels hit a rocky road, and she felt it all along her ribs, which were being held in place with thick bandaging around her chest.