Chapter 83

Lady Camellia.

The title was as unfamiliar as it was thrilling.

"Thank you, my lord." Camellia curtsied before taking his arm and gliding over to the table. The nobles gasped in shock when she drew near, Lady Bale the most dumbfounded of them all. Camellia approached her as she stood staring, her wine glass rolling on the floor.

"I apologize for my tardiness, Mother."

Perhaps it was the way Lia carried herself, or the confidence in her voice, but all Lady Bale could offer in response was a murmured swear. Those standing nearest to the marchioness frowned, doubting what they had just heard.

Lady Bale only found her composure after the attendants hurriedly cleaned up the broken glass. "Camellius, what an awful prank to pull on your mother!" she exclaimed, hugging Lia. "For a second, I really thought you were a lady. Do you know how surprised I was, thinking I suddenly had a daughter?"