Chapter 91

Lia was still rather excited when they returned to the manor. It was as though she'd landed in a new world; she felt like a whole different person. She could barely remember the heaviness that weighed on her heart when she arrived in Del Casa four days ago.

Reveling in the early morning sunlight, she sat on the stairs leading to the gardens. Her eyes were staring at the stone fountain in the distance, but her focus was on yesterday's memories of the children's laughter, their bright, twinkling eyes on her, their enthusiasm in answering all her questions, and their small hands waving in the air.

'If you were happy, that's enough,' Claude had said, kissing the back of her hand.

It was a taste of a life that existed only in her wildest imaginations. The past few days had made her so confident in herself that even her dream of becoming a teacher seemed to be within grasp. Ironically, however, this also accentuated her worries.