Chapter 112

The moment the rain let up, they dug a huge fire pit over which to cook dinner. There were people who were injured, but thankfully none dead due to the quick response. A huge canopy was erected near the fire as the people huddled together, warming themselves with hot stew and meat cooked in hot oil. It was more than enough to melt away the fatigue and strain from the chaos of the past few days.

Caruso opened the flap to Claude's tent with a tray of tomato stew, bread, and cooked meat. Claude sat across from Ian, with Lia sitting between them. To Caruso, Lia looked remarkably like a proud, small rabbit. She'd clear her throat once, and the two grand dukes would immediately cease to growl at each other. He shook his head slightly at her moxie as he put down the tray of food on the table.

"Let me know if you need more. We have plenty of food. How are you feeling, Claude?"

"I heard you sent Pollan, Caruso," said Claude, clearly irked.