Chapter 115

"My lord," Edith stammered, standing up hastily to curtsy. She didn't think he'd come back so soon. She racked her brain in panic, going over everything she said and hoping she didn't let anything slip.

"Are you hiding something from me?"

"There are illnesses that a doctor can't cure, my lord. I'm sure she'll be back to her normal self within three weeks."

"How would you know that? You're no doctor."

"I'm not," she allowed. "I'm merely a woman who has lived a longer life. Most women learn from their mothers, but Lady Camellia didn't have a mother figure to learn from. Lady Ihar is taking care of her, so there is no need to worry."

Claude glowered at Edith as she advised him, then pointed toward the door without another word. She curtsied and exited the room. That day, he stayed glued to Lia's side. Lia woke up from her nap and strolled around the garden in a daze before going back to sleep at the usual hour. She barely touched her dinner, save for a few spoonfuls of soup.