Chapter 123

Ian scoffed at the child, who was glaring at him from behind Camellia's dress. Instead of telling her mother that Ian had helped her and saved her from a bunch of bullies, Jessica had broken into a run the moment she heard his name, running straight into Camellia's arms.

"She looks exactly like you. If one didn't know better, one might think she's Lord Bale's." Wade's cynical words preceded his entrance.

"With all due respect, Your Highness, she's my daughter," Lia responded with a fierce glare, taking Jessica's hand in hers. "Also, I ask that you watch what you say around children. They are faster learners than you think."

"I am aware, Lady Ihar," Wade acquiesced, eyes still twinkling with mischief. "I am merely worried as Cahrem's godfather, that he might take after his father and… shall we say, obsess over his sister."

"You may put your worries to rest, Your Highness. We merely wish for our children to grow up without prejudice."