hundred weapon shop's Bin Bob

From outside, the building of the hundred weapon shop looked tall and imposing. It was a three-story building, and the wall seemed to be made Of material from the ancient world, not common metal and wood.

It was important to know that material from the ancient world was far more precious than their Blue star counterparts. The gravity in the ancient world was almost  2 times stronger than the gravity. It made most of the wood from trees even more resistant than ordinary metal.

The name of the shop was written with bold and bright letters that could make someone awestruck.

Teitei felt slightly intimidated as any other day he would not have dared to enter such a place. He could not help but subconsciously tighten his grip over his pocket as he approached that particular shop.

There was an elegantly dressed man at the entrance.

" Welcome to the hundred weapon shop, Sir. Do you need anything?" The man welcomed Teitei not too enthusiastically.

Teitei did not mind. He felt that he standing out of place in a place like this.

" I need some a new weapon," Teitei said.

After hearing him, All traces of expectation disappeared from the man's face.

He had seen many people in his career after all. He knew, that the clients of this shop were either wealthy people looking for high-end items or experienced hunters that needed to refill their stock of good-quality items.

Sometimes you could not judge people by the way they dressed. But the way they carried themselves was generally a good indicator of who they were.

Despite all of this the man knew that he needed to remain polite because in any case, it could be one of the strange tests done by the boss of the shop.

" If you need a weapon. You are certainly at the right place. We sell the best item be it weapon or trap in all White stone Settlement. We only have ' quality product'"

The man said while insisting on the words 'quality products. It was a kind warning as everyone knew that better quality always came with a higher price.

Hearing him, Teitei felt a little uncomfortable, but he still nodded in understanding.

' I am just trying my chance anyways. It will be a little embarrassing if I can not buy anything but there is nothing to lose other than my little face' Teitei thought.

( author note: yeah! In this world, people care about their faces. The face is something with honorary value).

" you can look at the item on the first floor. The second floor is reserved for the VIP" the man explained.

Teitei's politely said his thank you to the man before entering the shop.

What Tentei did not know was that just after he entered the elegant receptionist showed a look of worry as he looked at the approaching figure.

It was a woman who seemed to be in her twenties. Just like the man, she was differently dressed from the other people. Instead of a tactical combat dress, she wore a simple shirt with a white vest draped over her shoulder. She was also wearing a pair of black formal pants. She looked valliant and elegant at the same time.

Many people turned to look at her, before avoiding eye contact as she started back at them. She did not seem willing to hide her dominant nature.

The employee at the entrance gulped hard and a layer of cold sweat appeared on his face.

' what is the lady boss doing here? Was it a test? Did I succeed?'  the man thought, wondering if he had made a mistake earlier.


Teitei was unaware of everything that was happening outside. He was somewhat displeased by the way the receptionist had talked to him. But after some thought, Teitei found that the man could have been even less polite.

But as soon as Teitei saw the interior of the shop, he was struck dumb.

" how can a place like this exist in the ancient world?" Teitei was shocked.

The ancient world had always been like a backward village for the more ordinary people. There were no flying cars, there were no electric appliances, and there was no way to go from one city to another.

It was the first time that Teitei had seen such a luxury. There were many shiny crystals embedded in the ceiling and the wall, or the chandelier. Everything was arranged with a great aesthetic.

There were some other people in the shop and at this moment. Some could not help but make fun of his expression.

Teitei was still looking around with his mouth wide open when he fell a strong pressure on his shoulder.

He looked behind and almost jumped when he saw a man of a man. The man was burly and full of muscles and was at least 2 meters tall. he was wearing a more advanced combat uniform compared to Teitei which seemed to include something akin to a breastplate and a shoulder plate without reducing the agility and the comfort. It seemed like he had not shaved for some time. But the scariest thing about the man was his smile.

" you look just like me when I entered here for the first time," the man said with his hand still pressed on Teitei's shoulder.

At this moment Teitei's muscles were tense for some reason. Unknowingly he had moved his right hand near the waist where his dagger should be. The man had appeared behind him and he did not feel anything.

" Judging from your reaction you should be a newbie right?

It is good to be vigilant but you should not be that tense." The man said while grinning.

" you should have been there for less than a trimester.

And you certainly need to buy a new weapon" The man's grin grew even wider.

Teitei felt uncomfortable at being read so well by a stranger.

' it's quite embarrassing. Can you at least remove your hand from my shoulder? Your grip is too strong ' Teitei grumped internally.

" My name is Bob, but everyone calls me Big Bob.

I assure you that you will find everything that you like in this shop.

What kind of weapon do you like the most?

Every hunter should have a dagger...

But believe me, you also need a weapon with a longer reach...

Have you tried an ax, with your hand, you will indeed have difficulty using a heavy ax?

The sword and the spear are also good..."

Teitei was confused by this situation. Why was the big man named Bob so enthusiastic about a stranger? Did he create everyone like this?

For a moment Teitei almost thought that the stranger knew something about his newly acquired biochip.

About a dozen people were moving through the first floor of the shop.

All of them seemed to be somewhat familiar with the place and without exception, they all looked at him with pity.

Even when Big Bob called out to them, they seemed to avoid him like a plague.

Big Bob was simply too passionate. He presented every weapon in the shop at Teitei excitedly. He knew their weight their length and many other 'useful' thing about them.