The mafia boss' order

Inside the car, Mirena couldn't stop cursing. She didn't know what to do. The enemy was quite powerful and armed. One, wrong move and it would kill Drake to death.

"Damn! Of all places!" she exclaimed, cursing to the thin air.

She then heard that they only wanted her, but Drake dared them to kill him first. Her heart suddenly stopped beating. Mirena won't forgive herself if something bad happens to Drake.

Mirena thought that her conscience would never stay within her soul for the rest of her life. She must do something for him.

At that moment, she looked around and tried to find something helpful. Mirena was desperate to avoid him from getting hurt. Until her eyes stuck on her purse.

But the problem, was it was on top of the chair, and they would see her from the outside.

"You have to call someone for help, Mirena. You can do it and you must do it!" She told herself as if it would be the end of the world.

As she planned to get her purse, Drake thought of a wise attack. He must not make any mistake as it was too dangerous.

Bravery flaunted on his face although it wasn't enough to guarantee his safety. He then looked at the four gang members who were waiting to attack.

He said, "Do you think you can hurt me with your weapons?"

No one dared to answer. They perhaps knew that it was merely a trap used by the opponent. Their faces were covered with a mask. It would help to know their identity through voices and tattoos.

Suddenly, one of them jumped into the air and targeted Drake's neck. It was the easiest way to kill him, but he simply failed.

Drake was a black belter and knew how to eliminate the enemy by a single strike. He didn't plan to use his ability, but they were wasting his precious time.

He then avoided such a breathtaking attack and used his elbow to hit the opponent's nape. He sighed and quickly turned around to give the last, fatal strike through a strong punch to the throat and jaw.


Screams and cold breeze mixed that covered the fighting scene alongside the road. Luckily, Drake got the perfect chance which led the foe to fall to the ground, coughing blood.


Blood scattered throughout the spot that urged the gang leader to kill Drake. He then cursed desperately and gritted his teeth,


His loud, disturbing voice caught Mirena's attention. She then lifted her head and checked what was happening.

"Oh goodness! How did he do that?" She saw that one out of five men was defeated and bathed with his own blood.

Mirena has little hope that rake would be fine and unharmed. But she would do her best to call for help.

By then, three men lifted their weapons and ran towards the target. They didn't utter a single word, but each one of them has a snake tattoo on their napes.

There was only a strong syndicate that brought cruelness to the entire country. The rumored said that it was led by the mafia boss, Strike Thorne.

But Drake wondered why he sent his men to abduct Mirena. He has plenty of what-ifs in his head and fears that Strik might destroy his revenge like her best friend, Luke.

Now that he met the two threatening men in Mirena's life, Drake must hurry and take everything away from her. It would be the best way if he truly wanted vengeance.

This time around, Drake didn't waver to show what he got. Three men were attacking him, but he impressively avoided their sharp, deadly weapons.

Until he got the perfect opportunity to make them bleed and sleep for an hour. The gang members were terribly exhausted. They tried countless times to at least cut his arms but always failed.

The gang leader shook his head in disappointment. He couldn't believe that it wasn't easy to abduct Mirena Miller. If he came back by himself, the boss would get mad, and it could affect his performance and compensation.

No matter what happened, he must take the heiress with him to the secret hide-out before nightfall.


This would be the last he would give an order to his men. They were evidently losing as they fought against the professional fighter.

Like them, Drake felt tired the longer he used so much energy. He wanted to finish it as much as possible and take Mirena to a safe place.

Before he attacked, he burst into laughter which distracted the enemy. He used the moment to bring each one of them to the ground.

Drake didn't hesitate to punch, hit, and even kicked the most sensitive part of a man. It was quite effective when they finally felt the pain within their bodies.

"Woah, such a group of weaklings!" Drake wiped off his forehead which was covered with sweats.

He could no longer wait for the gang leader to show his hidden skills. It would be an interesting fight either.

Without any words, the furious leader attacked Drake and punched him right in the face. It just happened quickly which simply cut his lips.

Blood flowed down to his chin. He wiped it off and confirmed that he got hurt by a single punch.

"It's time to show you the real warrior, Mr. Assistant!" The enemy smirked and folded up his sleeve up to the upper elbow.

He then pulled Drake's arm and pushed him to the ground. He laughed terribly as he kicked repeatedly his stomach.

"If you just let her go with us, you won't be hurt like this! You have the chance to run away, but you insisted and even fought against my men!" The man murmured as he went on top of Drake and punched him to death.

Despite the bruises and wounds, Drake didn't surrender. He endured the pain as he looked for a weapon nearby. He won't let anyone take Mirena even if he has to sacrifice himself.

Fortunately, there was a rock on the side. It wasn't big, but it could hurt someone with a strong force. With the strength that was left, Drake pushed the man as hard as he needed.

He then quickly took the rock and smashed it to the enemy's head.

"Whoever gave you such adsorb mission, tell him that he should kill me first before taking Mirena! TELL HIM THAT, DO YOU FUCKING UNDERSTAND?"

And for the last strike, Drake angrily hit the ground and threw the rock. He kicked the gang leader's stomach which led him to lose consciousness.