Ch - 1 Just Transmigration



A noise caused by signal loss on the old television in the late twenties can be heard. And a bright light shines, and the light is a bit dazzling, as sight can be seen like a glitch happening in real life, giving people a closed virtual game for [Matrix] movie. The virtual picture quality is unparalleled, with the sense of reality, it feels like it has been out of a sci-fi movie.

But this is indeed in the game.

Because this is 3050!

Mike lying on the bed put his arm on his forehead and opened the panel casually.


[Name: Michael Wilson]

[Race: Human]

[Title: Otherworlder]

[Rank: Civilian]

[Age: 10]


"Didn't I close the game last night..."

Mike rubbed his forehead with his hands.

"But this character named Michael... When did I create it, why don't I remember that I have such a trumpet."

He quickly put this question behind his head, perhaps he created a new character unintentionally, but what is worth paying attention to?

Mike dragged the scroll to the bottom, to choose the option of logout game and consciousness pop-up. . .

"and many more!"

"Shouldn't I log out?"

"Where is such a big button to log out?!"

. . .

3050 AD.

With the discovery of God particles hidden in the atoms of every substance universe, human science took a rapid jump. This particle is an invisible substance between protons and neutrons. It has always been there, but the strange thing is that humans have never discovered or observed it. It is like everyone has subconsciously ignored it. This kind of mass hysteria seems to be.

Just as human beings are aware of the existence of flames and the beginning of civilization, the discovery of 'God' particles is not difficult. It has always been there, just like flames can burn in many places and under many circumstances, but humans just ignore it.

It dragged humans for two thousand years, to discover it, from the time humans discovered the fire before realizing its existence.

From then humans constantly tried to understand it so they can use it, and it took two centuries to make it useful.

Almost instantly, a large new science and technology tree opened up to mankind.

At this time, human beings look back at what they used to be, and they have to sigh. The technology of the previous eight centuries has been running at an unimaginable speed!

This is a kind of magical particle, it's magic lies in its way of bonding and way of working, like an invisible power of God brings the matter-energy all together. In the microscopic field, this means quantum transmission.

God particle coating the first technology, and with that the technological footsteps of mankind that had been stagnant for more than years were instantly stuffed into the rocket and opened a new era of mankind's history.

Any superconductor attached to God particles will produce new properties related to quantum, quantum entanglement, quantum transmission, etc. The specific truth is not understood by Mike, but it sounds like this.

And with years of innovation of technologies entertainment can't go behind, and hence the virtual games market was born.

"Instantaneous arrival, downwind delivery" is the slogan of a certain express company that delivers without delay, and "Bring your family to travel the world without leaving home" This is a travel website that calls out long-distance transmission.

The distance between human beings has been shortened infinitely in the virtual world, and the entertainment field was the first to flourish in this virtual reality.

A few years later, the second biggest innovation was the self-conscious within the virtual world and short-distance quantum transmission solved the last difficulty between biological tissues and electronic components. Weak artificial intelligence was also born soon and quickly during the following times, followed by neuron sensing, brain wave sensing, visual sensing, and so on. Closed virtual reality sensing.

All the conditions of the virtual reality games that only existed in the dream were all satisfied.

As a thirty-first generation, Mike has seen the popularity of virtual reality games in his lifetime, and it had become his livelihood income, after the death of his parents.

As virtual reality has attracted countless money around the world, and proven its huge power, bringing countless job opportunities to the society. So the newly born virtual reality games field is a big cake that no one can ignore or resist.

Countless companies began to flock in, trying to seize the market and separate the biggest piece of fat.

At that time, it was an era of sweet dreams for players and an era of nightmares for wallets.

The first to end up attracting hidden gold in virtual reality is the old-brand predators, such as Hollywood, Gaming industry, and so on. Old games like Pokémon directly copy a virtual reality game version, which is enough to sell for a while.

In fact, they did so in order to seize the market.

Followed by modern gaming companies from big productions that were quickly remade, or continued to produce sequels, and then not to be outdone was an animal living in the cold field, which was waving a lot. The game world's area is still very rich, and latecomers caught up with them and rose to fight back and forth.

The game explosion period lasted for only a few decades before it calmed down, and the entire games market entered into a slow resume of its original order.

After all, there are limits to people crazy for anything, and you have to constantly make people feel it's a novelty... and used it to attract more people.

And then the game companies discovered a rather embarrassing situation. Although the game mode has undergone earth-shaking changes, the content of the games are hardly changed in years and people just can't feel any new in it, and the market is even shrinking more than before.

Because virtual reality is at the technical level, it directly cut off many entertainment modes, such as watching movies, tv shows, reading comics, etc. watching movies in the virtual world is an unimaginable experience. Although it can be done, after all, fewer and fewer people like it.

And create new content and constantly change the script. Sooner or later, companies will be unable to keep up with the user, but the new mode to attract people is not so easy to explore, so some companies thought of a way to go.

The companies modelled to used old classics, no matter how old those data use to be, movies, tv shows, animation, games, comics, novels, etc... which could be found was used aa s reference and a brand new closed virtual reality game were formed. . .

So various adapted from old classics appeared in one virtual world called [Infinity-verse Online].

Fast and Furious, Pirates of the Caribbean, Harry Potter... everything could be found.

This was a very successful step, because the people's acceptance is very high, and it is also a new game mode that is very suitable for a human with a lot of banknotes. It started waving banknotes and started absorbing more people in it frantically, as a variety of mixed worldview games appeared.

[Infinity-verse Online] was launched after uniting countless international film companies, game companies, and even the image copyrights of novels, animations, etc.

Thanks to 'Reincarnation Corp.', the main creative team of this virtual world. It's a combination of the entertainment field and science field, but it's still fun.

By using self-conscious artificial intelligence (AI) as role playing game(RPG) characters gave true vitality to this virtual world.

In addition, the combination of prehistoric, medieval, and modern ages with magical, mythological, and technological worldview integration, combined with various movies, games, etc., and a relatively large and self-contained big matrix is an unremarkable world.

[Infinity-verse Online] is a game that integrates a lot of movies as its mainline world. It is a game that integrates a worldview game for global gaming.

"I should say... this feeling way better than before, but still hard to believe."

Lying on the bed, looking up to the sky, with his eyes open, Mike muttered to himself slightly sluggishly.

As a person who is in his late twenties, feeling of the old age seems to be very far away, but it is not far away at all, but to transmigrate into the virtual game world... well for Mike, its completely unimaginable.

Well, the virtual game world has advantages, and of course, there are disadvantages, but crossing into it, this matter is beyond his control. He is still waiting for human beings to escape the limitations of life between the stars, maybe it really can be done.

I transmigrated in the end.

But that's okay. Mike was an ordinary person before crossing. If there is any high-end life-saving technology, it is estimated that he will not be in his turn. He is just one of the thousands of ordinary people. Rather than knowing it and not getting it, It's better to cross it.

At least after crossing, he also hung the name of the traverser and was no longer an ordinary member.

Especially, in this fictional world, where fantasy and reality are divided by the border name worldview of seeing... and unimaginable powers are within the reach.

. . .

[Infinity-verse Online] is a game set in the world with all ages according to timelines, the technological side of the main worldview, and all other worldviews hidden in it to be explored.

The main line for the modern world is based on the famous Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU), DCUE, Transfomer Universe, Harry Potter Universe, The Resident Evil Universe, The Boys Universe, The Conjuring Universe, The Monster Universe, etc., of course also mixed up a lot of other things, but in general, the risk is not high as most world danger time is in form of dungeons and special events according to fixed timelines in a specific place, so overall no danger.

Walking around in the room, knocking, Mike can determine that he has crossed this fact, not that there is a bug in the game, and the logout button is no longer found.

The breakthrough of virtual reality technology mainly enhances the player's sense of realism in the game. It does not mean that the emergence of this technology can create a perfect second world.

Because a perfect world requires not only virtual reality technology but also a powerful sense of freshness in surrounding this reality which is not virtually possible.

And also people hard to have true emotions which are hard to create even with artificial intelligence as it contains a limit so they don't go out of control.

In fact, in the Mike era, the most advanced artificial intelligence was nothing more than intermediate artificial intelligence. They could only recognise their role according to a set identity. Although it was enough to maintain a virtual reality game, it was hardly a perfect second world.

The game has indeed leaped. The NPC is almost a real person. Players can perform actions on their own, such as cooking, making new inventions, and even sexual activities. They are not limited to skills and plot, but there is still a lack of emotions was the biggest difference between virtual and reality. The main line plots are unlimited and extended according to time, but it is still not a perfect second world as it doesn't evolve on its own.

This was after all a game, not a truly autonomous world. But, now Mike felt that that might be too demanding and that the world was too difficult. I don't know if I can see it in the rest of my life.

But in fact, the game has reached the level before he crossed. Over time people already unlocked most of its 90% of worldview up to the twenty-first century. You can also buy a cheat book for game content, to make rapid growth of your character.

"It's hard to believe, that I have crossed."

Mike found a comfortable position and sat down, leaning on the chair and thinking.

Crossing novels were still popular before in the old years, but lightning strikes, car accidents, shallowed by a black hole, etc. he couldn't remember anything like that so how could he cross?

Of course, this is a question for which, hardly anyone can come up with an answer. Very few previous traversers in novels have been able to figure out this question.

In any case, he has to accept that he has passed through this reality.

And thinking about it carefully, it doesn't seem to be bad.

[Infinity-verse Online] is a game Mike didn't just start it. He has already played it for a few years and understands its gaming play mechanism. I just don't know why his high-level account didn't pass through, but at least he has brought his newly bought Cheat Book which contains almost all quests, hidden items, and dungeons information.

But above all, he knows most every major main plot in the game, and the gaming panel is brought over. Although he doesn't know the principle, at least he doesn't have to worry about whether he can learn magic or the like.

The game panelist is so confident!

The core problem is solved, then you can imagine the benefits of crossing, a world that Mike is familiar with, a world that has magical powers, and he almost knows all about it, and those... all famous fictional beauties.

Mike swears, he is not greedy for those beautiful sisters, he is just curious. After all they were originally almost real people, what changes have they made since they have completely become real existences?

The use of celebrity image modeling was the key to the game wave at that time, as all celebrities who played the role were dead years ago, so the recreation of characters like Lara Croft, who is a typical character, would naturally be left to artificial intelligence. It used the model of Angelina Jolie, of course, it fully beautified version of it.

After all, game players are all-looking animals, and sex appeal is important to any game.

So not only Lara Croft, but also other characters. For example, Black Widow, Wonder woman, Hermione Granger, etc. Changed the face and body shape of several characters back and forth, and the one with the highest appearance was selected.

There is a sense of existence in the original work, but the sense of presence in the movie is quite low, as fake beauty is more liked by people than reality, and characters played by the same actors were transformed to their best to differentiate between them.

All in all, almost all character model is selected for their best side. Of course, some inherently ugly characters will not be beautified, such as Voldemort, at best after the beautified... his nose be smoother.

As a single in his last life, Mike certainly went to these beautiful ladies during the game several times. Although they are indeed fake and real, the intermediate artificial intelligence is enough for them to communicate like real people. But for Mike, the reality was still there to be faced, it was just a game after all.

But now, hey, all this has become the real world.

"Heh heh..."

Mike made a burst of indescribable laughter, so crossing is not that bad...


Mike suddenly sat up from the chair, and the laughter stopped abruptly.

Because he realised a little problem that seemed to be overlooked by him, he lost everything... he is starting as an orphan.

All through before it was a game world but, now he can't take this world lightly. So without any proper family background, he has to start from scratch.

Well, the crossing is tangled.

Mike collapsed back on the chair.

However, if he is allowed to choose again, he will choose to travel through. In that world, he was just a member of ordinary people, and here, even if he is still ordinary, with his knowledge of the plot, he will become so somewhat no longer ordinary.

There is magic, there is science and there is a miracle in this world.

At last by becoming a strong person in this world... eternal life is also possible.

It seems a little difficult to achieve immortality, and there will be various side effects, but there are always infinite possibilities in this world. You have to find the correct way... Eternal life is not so far away.

Mike exhaled.

"Strength... Woman, no, career, love and finally family, in the final analysis, these are the pursuits."

"Future is for me to explore!"