Don't Want to Live

The comments below the post were even harder for Su Fei to accept.

[Oh my god, Su Fei is actually a child bride. Does that mean that Su Fei still went around provoking men when she knew that her brother was her future husband and even snatched the fiancé that originally belonged to Lin Yin?]

[This kind of person is too disgusting. She was brought back to be a child bride, but she relied on being favored to find another husband. Now that she's been abandoned, she went back to look for him.]

[I think everyone has to calm down. Strictly speaking, child brides are not legal.]

[Are child brides those children that got given away in the olden times because their families were too poor to raise them? Oh my god, there's actually such a thing in modern society.]

[In the past, when I saw Su Fei acting all high and mighty, I thought she had some noble bloodline. She's actually a child bride. I'm dying of laughter.]

Su Fei was embarrassed.