
Lin Yin stood up almost instantly and rushed towards the small door crazily. She did not even stop when her arm was cut.

Sun Biao followed closely behind and dealt with the person who had injured Lin Yin.

The moment Lin Yin pushed open the door, the strong smell of blood filled everyone's noses.

The small figure was hanging not far from the ground, swaying slightly.

The intertwined blood gathered into a stream and flowed into a pool of blood along the boy's toes that were barely touching the ground, pouring into a small puddle.

Long Ming, Sun Biao, and the others who entered were also shocked by the scene in front of them. They were filled with frustration. Why were they late?

Lin Yin rushed forward and used her knife to cut the rope that bound Dong Dong. She did not have any expression, but her eyes were red.