Warm and Beautiful

When Lin Yin woke up again, Lu Ming was already awake.

Seeing Lin Yin open her eyes, Lu Ming's deep eyes instantly lit up with a smile.

"Little lazy pig, you're up?" Lu Ming's voice was slightly hoarse from the morning and very sexy.

Lin Yin lowered her eyes in embarrassment and nodded. "Yes, Uncle. Let go of me first. I want to get up."

Lu Ming did not listen to Lin Yin. Instead, he placed his hand on Lin Yin's soft waist and tightened his grip on her body.

"Call me Brother Lu Ming. Don't call me Uncle, or I won't let you go," Lu Ming threatened evilly.

Lin Yin felt the heat of the large palm on her waist. The tips of her ears were slightly pink, and even her face was secretly dyed red.

When Lu Ming saw Lin Yin like this, he was a little happy. At least she looked better.

Seeing that Lin Yin did not speak for a long time, Lu Ming pinched the soft flesh on Lin Yin's waist, causing her to exclaim in shock.