The Woman Who Delivered Flowers

The unclaimed Zhou Wei was arranged by public officials to be cremated and buried. In the end, only an urn was left in the public cemetery.

Out of caution, Lin Yin chose a time and secretly went to see Zhou Wei.

She wanted to see if Zhou Wei really did not have any other social connections.

When she arrived at Zhou Wei's tombstone and saw the bouquet of flowers, Lin Yin quickly got someone to investigate the surveillance cameras in the cemetery.

When she saw a woman in red with a suitcase, Lin Yin immediately asked Li Sheng to bring someone to stop her.

In the end, he finally found that woman at the last moment before she boarded the plane.

The woman was stopped and her tone was obviously more anxious as she shouted for the security officers.

Lin Yin, who arrived in time, asked the woman loudly, "Who is Zhou Wei to you?"

Such a sudden question stunned the woman. Then, the woman ignored Lin Yin and continued to leave.