Tit for Tat

Zhang Ling covered his little piggy's ears and glared at Jiang Chen. "What do you know? I'm bringing it to see the world. As for these fattening things, it can't eat them. It has to maintain its figure."

Jiang Chen covered his butt and moved back. He said sarcastically, "That's right. In order to satisfy your bad taste, the poor little piggy can't even eat delicious food. Sigh, can this pig be called a pig if it's not fat? Someone is clearly obliterating the nature of a pig!"

"Jiang Chen, don't spout nonsense if you don't understand. Otherwise, be careful that I stop your new project!" Zhang Ling threatened.

Jiang Chen instantly exploded. He gritted his teeth and threatened fiercely, "How dare you! If you dare to stop my project, I'll go and cause trouble for your project!"

In an instant, the two executives of the Shiseng Corporation, who were about to meet everyone, started fighting where the guests could not see.