Yang Xue Wakes Up

Fortunately, Zhou Hai kept his word. After teasing Lin Yin, he got someone to call someone like a wandering doctor to come help Yang Xue treat her wound. He even left behind some medicinal herbs.

Lin Yin looked at the herbs in her hand and turned to look at Zhou Hai. "Is there anything to boil the herbs?"

Zhou Hai leaned against his tattered sofa and raised his eyelids lazily. He looked at Lin Yin and smiled calmly. "This is another request. What can you use to exchange for it?"

Lin Yin rolled her eyes in her heart and said angrily, "Is this all the benefits of being your future girlfriend? I even need to exchange something for something to brew medicine?"

Zhou Hai only looked at Lin Yin with a smile. "You said that you're my future girlfriend. The future is filled with uncertainty. What if you run away?"

Lin Yin gritted her teeth and snorted. "If you don't want to give it to me, so be it. I'll find it myself."