
As he spoke, Huo Ge pointed at Yue Han, Yue Chi, and Yue Ning and introduced them. "These three are from the Yue Family. This is the eldest young master of the Yue Family, Yue Han. This is the second young master, Yue Chi. This is their cousin, Yue Ning."

Then, he pointed at a group of people and introduced them. "This is the eldest daughter of the Wen Family, Wen Xi, and the second daughter, Wen Ying. The eldest son of the Lu Family, Lu Xiao, and the eldest daughter of the Lu Family, Lu Yue…"

When he pointed at Gong Yue, Gong Yue immediately smiled and said, "You don't have to introduce me. I've known Ah Ning for a long time."

Gong Yue did not expect that the friend she casually made would be a member of the Mu Family. Hence, Gong Yue was proud and smiled even more brightly than usual.

Mu Ning greeted everyone one by one, as if she had already confirmed her identity as the Mu family's young lady.