
Liu Man found a company that specialized in online marketing. As long as they were paid, they would slander whoever they were told to slander. The more money they paid, the more they slandered.

The leader of the company looked at Wei Ying and shouted, "Do you know who our boss is? If you dare to arrest us, you'll disappear from this world tomorrow."

Wei Ying raised her eyebrows in disdain. "Wow, so powerful? Then call them out for me to see. I want to see what kind of nine-headed demon your boss is that they can make me disappear? Hmph!"

Seeing Wei Ying's arrogant expression, the leader immediately called the boss.

Wei Ying did not stop that person. She was still worried that she could not find the person behind them.

However, when the actual boss of the company appeared, Wei Ying was dumbfounded. "Second Brother? Why is it you?"