Looking for Lin Yin

Mu Heng said faintly, "Sigh, I originally wanted to save some advertising fees to save more assets for Yinyin, but now it seems like it's gone down the drain!"

Mu Ran's eyes lit up. "How can I miss out on such a good thing? Isn't it just the endorsement fee? I'll be generous and let you save it! However, you have to record it well. This share is mine, understand?"

The other three laughed at the side. When Lin Yin and Ye Wen came over during their lunch break, they saw everyone smiling in the living room.

The peacefulness of the years flowed in Lin Yin's heart, making her feel at ease and vulnerable.

The family sent Lin Yin to school. Lin Yin walked towards the door and turned back every few steps. Every time she turned back, she would see her family looking at her with a smile. The more Lin Yin turned back, the more she felt at ease.

No matter how many times she turned around, her family was behind her, looking at her with loving eyes.