Not Overboard

Mu Ning was sad and touched. She shook her head and said, "Grandma, Ah Ning doesn't care about this. As long as Ah Ning can accompany Grandpa and Grandma, Ah Ning doesn't want any birthday or status. All these years, it was Grandpa and Grandma who raised Ah Ning, an orphan. Ah Ning will remember this kindness. It doesn't matter even if no one knows of Ah Ning's existence."

Sun Yun's heart ached when she saw that Mu Ning's eyes were red from crying. She rubbed Mu Ning's tear-stained face and comforted her. "Grandma knows that you're filial, but I also want you to know that your filial piety will be rewarded. Don't say anything else. Listen to Grandma today. Grandma must let you appear in front of everyone gloriously. Grandma must proudly tell everyone that I, Sun Yun, personally raised such an outstanding Ah Ning."