Ice Velvet Star

As if she had convinced herself, Lin Yin took the gift box and gently opened it. An exquisite blue necklace came into view.

Lin Yin picked up the necklace and looked at it. The shape of the pendant was irregular, and she could not tell what it was. There was a silver-white bulge.

Lin Yin pressed it curiously. In the next second, the pendant suddenly opened and emitted a dazzling light. Even in the bright room, it flickered with fluorescent light.

She seemed to have remembered something and got up to turn off all the lights in the house. The once familiar scene immediately appeared in front of Lin Yin.

Was it the ice velvet plant that Lu Ming brought back from his business trip?

Lin Yin subconsciously reached out to touch it. She remembered that this ice velvet would melt when it touched something slightly warmer, but this time, it did not melt.