Critical Point

Although he really did not want to ask that man for help, nothing was more important than saving Shen Yin. He only hesitated for a moment before deciding to make the call.

When Shen Yin awoke, the scent of the drug still lingered in her nostrils. Everything around her was silent.

She did not dare to open her eyes and she pretended that she was still unconscious. She deliberately breathed softly so that she could hear any movements around her.

After a long time, she ascertained that there was no other live person in her vicinity. Only then did she quietly moved her cold and numb fingers so that they gradually regained some feeling.

Her wrists and ankles were tightly bound with twine, and her hands were tied behind her back. The slightest movement caused a sharp pain in her shoulders.

It seemed that she had been tied up here for a long time.

Shen Yin steadied her breathing and secretly opened her eyes a little.