Picking You Up From Work

"This case must be solved as soon as possible. Otherwise, the city will panic once news of it gets out. Then we'll all be fired." Wu Zheng stubbed out his cigarette and finished his lunch in a few bites. He sat in front of the computer again to review all the clues they had obtained so far.

Zou Sheng also finished his lunch hastily and went to Chengxi Village with Meng Heng. They would visit each house and collect DNA for testing.

This was a huge project. The two of them worked until it was time to knock off, then dragged their tired bodies back to the police station.

Next was the huge testing process. Shen Yin worked until late at night before she finished comparing all the samples. The results were barely satisfactory.

None of the villagers' DNA matched the murderer's DNA. Moreover, there was no information about the murderer in the database. This meant that the murderer was a first-time offender and had no criminal record.