New Toy

Shen Nian lowered his eyes indifferently, his face still calm. "It's wasn't me."

"Alright then." The girl shrugged her shoulders. She was not going to pursue the matter. She walked past Shen Nian and waved at him with a smile. "Then I'll leave first. Be careful on the way home. See you tomorrow, little genius."

Shen Nian stood still and looked at her smiling face expressionlessly. He waited until she had left the classroom before he gripped the strap of his bag and walked out.

In the hospital, Cheng Mu was obediently eating the porridge that the nursing aide was feeding her. When she heard a noise at the door, she instantly lay back on the bed and curled up under the blanket. Then she frowned and started moaning with a pained expression. "Ouch, it hurts so much. Why does my head still hurt so much today? Am I going to recover?"