Chapter 18:- Ruler Of Night

"Little boy, do you want to receive the title of the Monarch?" The Night Lord was very pleased with William. The way this boy fought, the way he improved, his determination, his will, and his courage, the Night Lord was very impressed with him.

"Title of the Monarch?" Just hearing those words, William felt all of his exhaustion has left his body. Who does not wants the title of Monarch? After Gods and Goddess, there were Monarchs, Guardians, and Great Demon Kings. While as long as one reached a certain level, that person would be given a chance of becoming either the guardian or the Great Demon King, the title of Monarch is something that one can only get through fortunate encounters.

"What kind of Monarch?" There were different Monarchs out there. There was Monarch of Demons, Monarch of insect, Dragon Monarch, Monarch of Giants, Monarch of Undead, and many more.

"You shall become the very first Night Monarch of this world."

"This name kind of feels cringe" William wondered if he could change the name.

"You will become the next Ruler of Night." William widened his eyes. Even though he might not have heard of the name Night Lord, he has heard about the Ruler of Night.

During the chaotic era, the whole world was in chaos. At that time, certain powerful figures emerged to stop the chaos and bring peace to this world. Among those powerful figures, one of the very first and most powerful figures was the Ruler of Night. It was said that when the Ruler of Night had killed countless Gods, Goddesses, and Great Demon Kings. He was one of the main pillars that bought back peace to the land.

Even though the chaotic era ended a long time ago, to this day every person in this world knew the tale of the Ruler of Night. The Ruler of Night was considered a mythical figure. He was more popular than most Gods and Goddesses.

"You're really the Ruler of Night?"

"Hahaha! That's what people called me. But I prefer the name Night Lord."

"So tell me, little William do you want to become my successor? But do know that by associating with me, some of the evil Gods and the Great Demon Kings will try to kill you. To this day they still hold a grudge for what I have done to them in the chaotic era."

[Ding, trigger the option event, please choose the host:

Option 1: - Reject the Night Lord's offer and leave the Labyrinth. Reward: - Title of Coward, in the future there is a high chance that the host's whole family might get killed by one of the evil gods.

Option 2: - Become the Next Ruler of Night. Reward: - The host shall obtain great powers in the future. In the future, the host might become strong enough to kill evil Gods and great Demon Kings.

Option 3: - The host can find a third option for himself. Note: - This option won't give the host any rewards.]

'My family will be killed by evil Gods in the future?' William instantly frowned as he felt his blood begin boiling from anger. Why would the evil gods mess with him for no reason?

'No, I cannot forget my mission. I have to save the world from being destroyed. Meaning that all evil gods are my enemy. Since I am going to face the evil Gods in one way or another, I might as well become the Next Ruler of Night that will also give me extra powers.'

"Alright. I will become the next Ruler of Night."

[Ding! The host has made a choice. Reward: - The host shall obtain great powers in the future. In the future, the host might become strong enough to kill evil Gods and great Demon Kings.

"Good." The Night Lord put his right on his left shoulder.

[Ding! The host has chosen the second option. Option 2: - Continue through the third challenge. Reward: - Ruler of Night]

[Ding! The host has given a Mythical rank class]

[Ding! The host has obtained the class of Night Monarch]

[Ding! The Host has become the very first Night Monarch of this world]

[Ding! The host has received the title of Ruler Of Night]

[Ding! All of the host's stats have been increased by [25+]

[Ding! The host has learned a new innate skill, Eyes of Darkness]

[Ding! The host has learned a new Passive skill, Ruler's Authority]

[Ding! The host has learned a new innate skill, Night Kill]

At this point, William's head was starting to hurt from all the messages. He barely had time to study the messages.

At the same time, in the entire world, every person on the planet received a certain message. Laura who was standing in front of the Labyrinth also received the message.

[Ding! The First Night Monarch of this world has been born.]

[Ding! A new Ruler has appeared.]

It was not just the residents of the Star-Expanse, but also the Gods and Goddesses who were locked away in their own realms who also got the messages.

Far away from the Sithen Empire, in an underground room, sitting before the round table, all the members were wearing black robes. "It seems Night Lord has finally chosen someone as his successor."

"The problem is we don't know who that person really is"

"No matter who that person is, we shall find that person. Spread out. Inform all of our spies and members to look for that person. We must protect that person from the Evil Gods."

In the realm of shadows, where everything is ruled by shadow, the Shadow lord lazily got up from the bed. His happy mood instantly turned sour seeing the two messages. "Good. So that bastard finally has decided to find a successor."

The Night Lord and the Shadow God both were rulers of Darkness. One was the evil God while the other was the Ruler of Night. The shadow lord has hated the Night Lord for a long time. The night lord was more powerful than the Shadow Lord so he couldn't do him any harm. "But now I can take my sweet time in killing his successor."

"A new ruler?" Laura looked at the two messages that flashed in her retina. It has been over a century since the last Ruler appeared. Whenever a ruler appeared, it came with wars and suffering. When the last ruler appeared, millions of people died from wars.

Laura feared that following the past traditions, this time also the appearance of the new ruler was going to bring a new war.

After a while, the pain in his head started fading away. "Now that the whole world knows that a new Ruler has appeared my enemies are going to come after you. I have lived a very long life, William. From the very first era, I have been fighting." The Night Lord sounded nostalgic when he said those words.

"Please don't assume that I was a hero or anything. I was doing what I wanted. I wasn't a hero. I wasn't evil either. I was a man who just wanted to protect the people I cared about. I have taken Millions of lives."

The Night Lord then stood up as the world around them started turning dark. But for some reason, William did not feel scared of the darkness. He instead felt comfortable and safe in the dark. Even in the dark, he was able to see the Night Lord's face.

"From here on, this is your journey. As you continue to level up, you will unlock more of my Night Monarch's skills and powers. After reaching certain levels, you will be able to summon my Night Walkers who used to follow me during the chaotic age."

The Night Lord's body started fading away. His body became more and more transparent. "Farewell, my successor. This is not the end. I will watch over you from the shadows."



Scene change_____

It has been more than a week since William entered the Labyrinth. Everyone who entered the Labyrinth with him hasn't come out even after a week. This was starting to make Laura worry. She was starting to feel that something might have happened to William in Labyrinth. During the whole week, she did not leave the sea. She stood at the same place and anxiously waited for him.

"Look, the Labyrinth is opening" Finally, after what it felt like an eternity, the iron doors of the Mansion started opening. Just like Laura, everyone felt relieved that the doors have opened.

But their happiness quickly turned into a nightmare when they found the dried dead bodies lying behind the iron doors. Laura couldn't believe what she was seeing. 'From the looks of it, their bodies were sucked dry. Don't tell me the same thing also happened to William?'

The Empress then sensed a familiar Aura. She moved her eyes and found William looking at the hundreds of corpses while standing at the second entrance. "What happened to them?" William wondered as he avoided stepping on the corpses.

Seeing William's whole body being covered in body and wounds, everyone mistakenly assumed that he had killed their children. "You Murderer." One of the level 78 men launched a powerful sword attack at William.



"How dare you?" Laura's cold voice made every tremble in fear. They have never seen the Empress look this cold.

"But Empress this boy has killed our children. They were our future pillars." Even if all the tribes joined hands, they still wouldn't be able to defeat or even come closer to injuring the Empress. All the small tribesmen felt helpless in this situation.

"Who said I killed them?" Laura was also thinking that why would William, a person who never has killed a person before would do something so cruel and kill everyone?

"Your whole body is covered in blood. And you're the only survivor. Yet you're saying that you didn't kill our children." The man who attacked William with a sword shouted in rage and anger.

"Why would I kill any of them? I never even met them." Hearing William's words some felt that William was right. While most still felt that he was lying.

Laura knowing that the people were still suspicious of William, decided to step forward to prove his innocence.


"Can you tell me what happened inside the Labyrinth?"

"After the iron gates were closed, I was trapped in an illusion for a week. I was the first one to break the illusion and progress to the second phase. Unlike normal Labyrinths, this Labyrinth is meant to test people. After completing the second phase, I met the creator of this Labyrinth and cleared the 3rd-phase. So I have no idea how others died."

"Then how do you explain the blood that is covering your entire body?" Instead of replying, William threw out hundreds of demonic monster bodies. Seeing this everyone shut their mouths as they now had a clear image of what exactly happened.

"In the 3rd phase, I had to face Demonic Monsters. Also if I have killed them, their bodies should have cuts and wounds. If you look carefully, their bodies are dried up, like someone had sucked them dry."

Just like William said, the bodies of the dead did not have any wounds. This clearly proved that William was innocent. The angry people calmed down.

'William has changed.' Laura noticed the change in William's temperament. The boyish Aura around him seems to have disappeared and has been replaced by an Aura of a Mature and experienced person.

'Just how many Demonic monsters did he kill?' Laura knew William's powers better than anyone else. William can easily kill a level 25 monster. Even a hundred of level 25 wouldn't give him any trouble. 'He must have killed at least a few thousands of monsters'

"Look, the Labyrinth..." The Huge Mansion started crumbling to dust.


As the Mansion crumbled to dust, the energy dome around the Mansion also started cracking. Seeing this Laura quickly created an energy bubble around them from the seawater.

'I wonder if I will be ever able to meet him again. By the way, I never learned his real name.' William felt that the Night Lord's life was too lonely. If possible, he wanted that man to stay around and guide him.


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