Chapter 21:- 17th Birthday

"Happy Birthday Will" Olivia, William's mother sat next to her son and wished him. She rubbed her son's long-grown silver-white hair as she silently shed tears. It has 3 years since William had gone into a coma. Even though today was his 17th birthday, no one was celebrating.

Every year, the whole mansion would be lit up in colorful lights. All the royal families would gather and celebrate together but these 3 years, William's birthday was never celebrated. Everyone felt pain celebrating his birthday without the birthday boy.

"You know, we have been doing everything in our power to search for an item that could repair your soul. But so far we haven't found anything that can help you." Every day Olivia would talk about the various things that happen around the Kingdom. Even though Will cannot hear her words, she would still tell him about all the changes happening in the Empire.

Olivia who was talking to her son failed to notice the slight movement that William made. His right hand twitched a little.

"You know your father is still searching...."


"Will" Olivia at first felt that she was hallucinating. She hurriedly rubbed her eyes to find her son slightly moving. Olivia couldn't express how happy she was seeing her son moving and showing expressions.

After a few more seconds, William suddenly opened his eyes. "Where am I?"

"William" Before William could react he felt a strong pair of arms pulling him to embrace. Sensing the familiar warmth and the softness on his face, William knew that it was his mother. Although he does not understand why she was crying, he wrapped his arms around her back and tried his best to comfort her.

"Mom, please don't cry." From childhood, William has never done anything to make his mother feel displeased or unhappy. His heart ached in pain seeing his mother shed tears.

"William, I am so happy. You finally woke up." In the quiet Mansion, everyone heard Olivia crying loudly. Maria quickly rushed into William's bedroom.


After opening the door, Maria covered her mouth as tears filled her eyes. "William, am I dreaming?" Following Maria, Jessica Will's 3rd stepmother also came only to find William staring at them.

"Everyone William is awake" Joseph, Martha, Layla, and the maids and butlers everyone rushed to William's bedroom hearing Jessica's excited loud words.

After a while, Olivia calmed down. As soon as she separated from William, Maria pulled his face into her embrace, burying his face in her big breasts she also took a moment to hug her grandson.

"Why everyone is reacting like I was unconscious for a long time?" After asking that question, he remembered that he was severely injured by the Fae Lord. The last thing he remember before losing consciousness was reading a message about his soul being damaged.

"You have been in a coma for 3 years."

"What?" It was then that Will discovered that his body shape also had changed.

"Happy Birthday William" Maria then kissed his forehead.

"Today is my birthday?" He was still confused and shocked about the whole situation.

"It's your 17th birthday." Olivia wiped the tears on her face and replied.

As long as Maria stopped hugging William, his three mothers started hugging him and kissing his cheeks even though he was 17 years old now.

"Thank Succubus Goddess." Joseph secretly wiped the tears on his face. He didn't wish his son or anyone to see the head of the house crying. However, William noticed his father's red eyes. The two looked at each other and smiled.

For them, that smile meant more than anything. Both William and his father were embarrassed to express their love openly and hug each other so they settled down with smiles and a nod.

"Where are my sisters?" William panicked a little. Since 3 years have passed does that mean his sisters are married now?

"They did not return. Your eldest sister has become an adventurer and now exploring. Your second sister has graduated two years ago and now she is working as an alchemist for an adventurer guild. While your third sister graduated yesterday and has decided to spend some time with her friends."

"Why they haven't come home?" Today was William's birthday and his three sisters weren't there which made him a little sad.

Noticing his sad look, Maria explained. "Your three sisters were heartbroken seeing you in a coma. Seeing in a coma was too much for them. Your sisters cried for a long time. So I told them to not come this year as I didn't want them to cry seeing them in a coma."

"I will call the imperial doctor to check you." Joseph then left the room. He wanted to jump and scream to the world that his son has awakened up but as the Duke, he had an image to maintain.

"Don't bother him. He is just too shy to express his love for you." William smiled and nodded.

'It looks like three years of being in a coma has weakened my body.' Will has lost half of his weight and muscles. It will take him a while to recover fully.

"Mom, I want to take a bath." Jessica and Martha helped William step up. Seeing this Olivia helplessly smiled.

"Can you walk?" Jessica put her hand near his crotch and asked near his left ear. Now that William was awake, she had begun teasing him again.

"Of course, I can walk." William felt his body was a little stiff. When Jessica stopped supporting his body, William nearly fell to the ground if Martha had not grabbed him.

"Your body has been lying on the bed for 3 years. It will take you some time before you can walk or eat on your own." William helplessly smiled. His 1st stepmother was right. His body was stiff. It was as if his joints had been jammed.

"When bedridden, the individual is not "using" these brain nerves, so they atrophy, resulting in the individual not being able to walk when they try to become ambulatory. It's more than muscle atrophy, which does happen to some extent, but it's the balance that is lost. And the brain cannot be overworked in the learning process, so it takes that long to get it back. Overworking the brain causes fatigue. New brain nerves need to grow and develop at their own pace. But Since you're different from a normal human, it should take you at most 2 to 4 weeks to fully able to walk on your own." Martha had some basic medical knowledge. She was able to explain William's current condition.


'If I did not have mana, then this process would have taken me more than 1 month.' William was feeling a little frustrated. If he wanted to go to the washroom or eat, he would have to rely on others.

"Don't worry, William I will help you." Jessica made William sit on the bed. She then started removing his pajamas.

"What are you doing?"

"You don't want to wash your body?"

"I do but....." He helplessly glanced around the room.

"What? I am your mother. There is no need to feel shy around us. When you were in a coma, we used to clean your body using a wet towel." William felt very embarrassed hearing his mother's words. Before when he was a child, he used to bathe with his mothers but he stooped doing that after he turned 8.

"Bring me a towel and boiling water but make sure the water is not too hot." Jessica ordered the maid who has been standing outside William's bedroom.



Scene change

"Your Majesty" Laura coldly glared at the servant who just barged in without her order.

"What is it?" The Succubus maid trembled hearing her cold voice. She didn't dare look at the empress's cold eyes. Just looking at the Empress's eyes made her feel terrified.

"Lord William.....?"

"William what?" The coldness in her tone increased as she began leaking her killing intent.

"Lord William has woken up."



Everyone was nearly blown away by the strong gust of wind. When they reopened their eyes, they found the golden throne was full of cracks. Even the stairs were broken.

A similar reaction was seen with Rosie. Both mother and daughter rushed at the Portsley household without a second thought.

A few minutes later, the Empress and her mother were standing outside William's bedroom. Laura's hands trembled as she tried to grab the knob and open the door.

"How is it, Will? Are you feeling good?" Just when her hand was about to touch the knob they heard a seductive voice from outside.

"I am feeling hot."

"Hehe! Do not worry, I will properly clean your body. Don't resist just enjoy the feeling."

"But this is my first time." Laura and Rosie looked at each other.

"Stop, please don't go there." Laura felt as if a volcano has erupted in her heart.


With a punch, she shattered the door of William's bedroom. "What the hell are you two doing?"


Jessica, Martha, Layla, Olivia, Maria, and William, everyone stared at the Empress.

Rosie and Laura looked at William to find his entire body being cleaned with a wet towel.


"We misunderstood the situation. William, it's good to see you again." Leaving Laura behind, Rosie walked in and stared at his naked upper body without any shame. William rolled his eyes and looked at the Empress who was staring at him. "You're not going to explain why you broke my door?"


Another 3 chapters. Vote for more chapters!!!!