Chapter 24:- Update in Stats, Skills Description

Yesterday's third chapter!!!


"Now, it has been a while since I last checked on my stats. During the third phase of the trial, I killed so many levels of 25 demonic monsters. As the mastery of my skills increased several of my skills levels also increased.

"When I entered the Labyrinth my stats was something like this.

_Strength: - 15 → 32

_Agility: - 30 → 40

_Health: - 20 → 41

_Stamina: - 50 → 100

_Mana: -330 → 460]

"After receiving the Night Monarch class all of my stats were increased by [25+]. After 3 years of being in a coma, although my stamina and health did not increase, my mana reached [600+]. I guess this is one of the advantages of having an Incubus King bloodline."

[_Name:- William Portsley

_Race: - Incubus King

_Age: - 17

_Level: - 0 → 1

_Class: - Night Monarch

_Title: - Ruler Of Night

_Blessing: - Blessing of Succubus Goddess, Blessing of Elven Goddess

_Racial Skill: - Incubus Charm, Lust suppression, Endless vitality, Intercourse Wish, Birth control

-Star Blaze skill: - Perfect copy [Sage rank], White Flame (legend rank)

_Innate Skill: - Eyes rank darkness (legend rank), Night Kill (legend-rank)

_Passive Skill: - Sword dance (level 6), Wise Blizzard Slash (level 5), Shadow ball (level 3), Shadow blink (level 4), Shadow spikes (Level 4), Bone shattering punch (level 3), → Ruler's Authority (level 1)

_Strength: - 32 → 57

_Agility: - 40 → 65

_Health: - 41 → 66

_Stamina: - 100 → 125

_Mana: - 460 → 600]

[_Class: - Night Monarch]

[Description]: - As the Monarch of Darkness, the host has a strong affinity toward darkness. When the host is fighting in darkness or at the night, the host's stats will be increased by [50%]. In the darkness, the host's mana recovery speed will be increased by [50%], and the host's healing speed will be increased by [50%]. The host comprehension speed in learning dark nature skills will be increased by 50%.

"Wow, that's overpowered. Though I don't need the last one as I have a perfect copy." Aditya then tapped on his title Ruler of Night.

[Ruler of Night]

[Description]: - The host is the successor of the Night Lord who is the previous Ruler of Night. To unlock the full power of the Ruler of Night or Night Monarch class, the host must increase his levels.]

"I want to go out and level up, but I can't do that as my body is not strong enough."

[Incubus Charm]

[A racial skill]

[Description]: - The Incubus King was born to attract females. As the Incubus King, the host's charm can passively attract Succubus or Royal Succubus, or Succubus queen. When this skill is used the host can charm lower beings.

[Function 1]: - The host can charm anyone whose intelligence is lower than the hose. When the person is charmed, the host can control them to do anything. When the effect of the charm is removed, the target will forget everything that he/she did while being charmed.

[Function 2]: - When the Incubus lust is used, the female partner will become 10 times more sensitive than usual.]

"It looks like unlike my other stats intelligence will only appear after I start leveling up."

[Lust suppression]

[A racial skill]

[Description]: - As the Incubus King, the host has the power to suppress your lust. Please note that if the lust suppression meter reaches 100%, the host will lose his rationality and have sex with any female he sees.

[Current Lust]: - 10/100%]

"I can't let my lust meter reach 100%." William had no intention of becoming a sex beast and **** anyone he sees. Just imagine the disaster that his mindless beast self can cause made William feel a little frightened.

[Endless vitality]

[A racial skill]

[Description]: - When the Incubus King is having sex, the host will never run out of stamina. Each time the host releases his sperm inside a female the host's stamina will be recovered.]

"As a Male, I am more than happy to have this skill."

[Intercourse Wish]

[A racial skill]

[Description]: - A special type of skill that is possessed by only the Incubus king. During sex, there is a chance that with each release, the host and the female partner will receive random stats points or free stats points, or skill points.]

".....Wow. I can't wait to try this skill. But given how things are going I will have to wait a few months if not a few years." William felt a sense of urgency. He wanted to recover as soon as possible and take his relationship with Laura to the next level.

[Birth control]

[A racial skill]

[Description]: - A special skill that is only owed by the Incubus King. Using this skill prevents the host's partners from getting pregnant.

Extra information: - The system recommends the host from using this skill. Royal Incubus and royal Succubus have very low birth rates. While it is even more difficult to for an Incubus King to have an heir.]

"Haha! I am not surprised. If having a child was that easy, then I would have hundreds of siblings given how energetic my father is." It's very hard to impregnate a royal Succubus. If a royal Succubus marries someone from another race, then the chances of being impregnated decrease even more.

"I won't even need to use this skill as both my wives are Succubus queens." In his heart, William was already thinking of both Laura and Rosie as his wives. After what Rosie did, there was no way William was going to let her go. William was sure that once she talks with Laura, she will not hesitate. William also felt that he needs to have a deep conversation with Laura.

Impregnating a Succubus queen is super difficult. For an Incubus King, impregnating a royal Succubus is easier than impregnating a Succubus queen.

[White Flame]

[Legend tier Star Blaze skill]

[Description]: - A special type of Star-Blaze that was awakened by the succubus queen Laura. The White flame or also known as the silver Flame of fear is stronger than regular flames in every way. The power of this flame depends on the user's imagination.

[Function 1]: - The silver flame of fear can be used to trap opponents in a sphere of silver. The target will see the things that they fear the most. To activate the 1st function of the silver flame of fear, the host will consume [100+].

[Function 2]: - The silver flame can change its form from a gaseous state to a liquid state or to a solid state. To use this function of the flame, the host will have to use [100+] mana.]

William smiled as he read the description of the Silver flame or the White flame. This has to be one of the best-attacking skills he has. "No matter how many times I read the abilities of the white flame, I can't stop myself from feeling excited."

"Hehe! Copying a star-Blaze skill is like gaining cheat codes. Later I should ask my mothers and father to show me their star blaze skills." William couldn't but grin like a naughty child who was about to do something bad.

[Sword dance]

[Passive skill (level 6)]

[Description]: - A basic sword skill that has reached level 6 because of the host's hard work.

[Function 1]: - When the skill is used, it will consume [25+] mana. The host can land a barrage of sword attacks on the target. The power of this function is multiplied 2 times if the host uses two swords to attack the target. This function gives [25+] extra damage per strike.

[Function 2]: -The sword dance gives the host a passive buff. It increases the power of the host's sword attacks by [30+].

"Awesome. Even though the sword dance was just a basic and almost useless skill at the beginning, now it can be considered one of the best close combat skills I have." This was why, by the end of the 4th hour during the 3rd trial, he was able to kill multiple demonic monsters with each swing. If William had enough stamina, then in that final 10 minutes, his killing count would have tripled.

"William!!!" Hearing his name being called, William stopped checking on his skills and looked to find his 3rd stepmother, Jessica closing the door while holding a pair of new clothes in her hand.

"What is this?" William asked.

"These are clothes obviously."

"No, I meant, why do 3rd mother have them? I thought mother had gone to make a feast for me." Fortunately, Rosie had cleaned everything before leaving his room. Otherwise, he would have been screwed right now.

Jessica looked at the open window and then replied to Will. "We have finished cutting all the veggies and meats. Sisters can take it from there. Also, It's not like I am going to spend the entire day with you. I will leave after I help you change."

"Help me change? Why?" William looked down and felt that his current pajamas were good enough. There was no need to go through all this trouble.

You have wearing pajamas for so long. This is your birthday, I felt you should wear something good. So I sent our head butler to buy some looking clothes for you."

Jessica stood near Will and helped him sit up.


He knew that he cannot disobey his mother, not especially in this state. "Mother there was no need to buy clothes."

"What are you talking about? You have grown up. You're just 17 now. There is no way your old clothes would fit you. We had no choice but to donate those old clothes to the poor." The first rule of the Portsley family is that never waste food and clothes. All the old dresses and clothes are always given to the poor. This was the rule that has been followed for generations.

"Alright" Jessica started by removing the white T-shirt. William used this chance to take a look at his current body. After 3 years of being in a coma, his muscles were basically gone. He looked very skinny and malnourished. He could count his ribs. All those abs he had was gone which made his heartache. It took him years to gain those abs and muscles.

Seeing William looking at his body Jessica stroked his silver-white hair and gently said. "I have made an agreement with other sisters. Till you recover, I will be in charge of cooking. In a month's time, you will be as healthy as before."

"Haha! I hope so." William replied with a dry laugh.

Jessica helped him put on a black shirt that had a black and white symbol of a dragon's head. "Now its' time to remove your pants." Jessica's grin sent shivers down his spine.

"Mother wait..."


If we can hit 400 power stones before this Sunday, aside from the regular 3 chapters, I will release extra 5 chapters.