Chapter 26:- Time to leave

After a few hours, the feast was ready. Laura and Rosie also returned. Everyone sat at a round table and many dishes were served on the table.

Laura on sitting on William's right side and his mother Olivia was sitting on his left. Normally it would be Jessica who would feed him but today she let Olivia do the work. Next to Laura, her mother, the former Succubus queen was sitting wearing a dark blue kimono.

"Will, open your mouth." With the chopstick, she feed her dear son a small piece of fried chicken.

"Is it good?"

"It's good."

"I am glad. Your mothers have worked really hard to make this feast." Hearing that William raised his head and glanced at Jessica who was eating while sitting between Olivia and Layla. Both William and Jessica pretended as if that incident never happened.

"By the way, now that everyone is here I have an announcement to make." Everyone stopped eating and looked at Will and wondered what he wanted to say.

"Based on my recovery speed I should be able to recover in a month's time. After recovering I am planning on becoming an adventurer." With the body strengthening pill reducing his recovery speed by half, he was sure that he would heal in a month's time. And then he didn't want to waste any time and set out on his own journey.

"As long as you're healed, I have no problem with your decision." Joseph wasn't going to allow his half-injured son to go on a journey.

In the royal family, it was normal for the children to go out when they turn 16. Even the two Succubus queens had to go out and work as an adventurer. Working as an adventurer would be the fastest way of leveling way.

"Alright. Just be careful out there." Joseph lowered his head and continued to eat. "I don't want to lose my son again."

William couldn't help but smile. His father was awkward at expressing himself. For William, just those words were enough to warm his heart. Someone who has lived as an orphan before, he valued every word of his father and mother. "Thank you, father."

Laura who was sitting beside Will ate quietly. But Rosie could see that her daughter's indifference has decreased. The cold Aura around her seems to have decreased after meeting William.

"Since you're going on a journey, I think you should hide your identity."

"I also planned to do that from the beginning. I have no intention of publicly exposing my identity and getting myself to become a target." There were many people who wished to harm the Sithen Empire. The fattest way of harming the Empire would be to kill their next ruler.

"By the way, recently I heard that a new group of bandits has started appearing around the Kingdom. The activities of the bandits increased especially in the smaller towns and villages. Your Highness, do you know about it?"

"I also heard about the sudden increase in bandits in our Empire."

"I apologize for the interruption but I thought that our Empire had no bandits." Under the iron rule of the former Empress and the current Empress, bandits, thugs, and criminals were cruelly punished.

"In case you didn't know. In these 3 years, the bandit's number has been increasing. The criminal activities in the Empire have skyrocketed. Every day an estimation of 51 people is being killed. Though I feel the number is higher than that."

"So are the soldiers lazing around or what?"

"No, they are doing their jobs perfectly. The crime rates are low in big cities. But in small towns or in villages, the crime rate is very high."

[Ding, trigger the option event, please choose the host:

Option 1: - Investigate the cause of the sudden increase in crime rates around in the Empire. Reward: - (1000+ Justice value, all of the host's stats will be increased by [20+], further rewards will be determined based on how quickly the host is able to find the culprit.)

Option 2: - Ignore everything! Reward: - (Title - lazy pig, there is a high chance that in the future a civil war will destroy the Empire)

Option 3: - Investigate the cause and kill the culprit. Reward: - (5000+ justice value, all of the host's stats will be increased by [50+], further rewards will be determined based on how quickly the host is able to kill the culprit.)]

'Investigate the root? How the hell I am even supposed to do that?' There were many things that William needed to consider. 'Forget it, I will look into this matter once I set out on my journey.'



And soon one month passed.

In that month time, first of all, William's sisters came back home the next day and cried for hours in his arms. William's eldest and second eldest sisters stayed with him for 2 weeks before reluctantly going back. While his third sister stayed with him the entire month. She even wanted to stay with him in the same room, but quickly William was able to talk her out of it.

In 30 days, because of the body strengthening pills and the medicines that were given by the imperial doctor, his body was rapidly healing. After 2 weeks, William was able to stand and move a little on his own.

By the end of 3rd week, he was able to walk but not at a regular speed. Rosie basically started staying at his Mansion while Laura only came to see William during dinner time. Will's sister does not leave his side at all, in 30 days he hardly has found some private time to talk with Laura. He was worried. He wanted to know if Rosie had talked to Laura about that matter.

"I still can't believe how fast you recovered." Jessica looked a little sad.

"Haha! It's because 3rd mother cooked for me." William laughed as he and his family members walked out of the Mansion.

Instead of replying, she suddenly pulled his right ear and said in a threatening tone. "If you dare to use hook up with every bit*h you met on your journey, then I will personally kill you." Her threatening words made Will shiver in fright. Jessica was scary when she was pissed or angry.

"Now, now! Don't scare him, Jessica. Whether he likes it or not, as the Incubus King he is destined to capture many girls' hearts." Maria, his grandmother was okay even if her grandson married 1000 women. Right now she wanted nothing more than to hold and play with the small baby of her grandson.

"William, I heard that the Fox queen is still unmarried and also a virgin. Maybe you can try your luck there."


"Yes, I am 100% sure that she is still a virgin." Maria and William looked at each other and grinned. Everyone helplessly smiled and said nothing. Maria never discouraged William from going after girls. In fact, she even wanted her son to have a few more wives but her son refused.

"Alright everyone it's time for me to set out." William took 3 big steps and turned around. He could see his father was a little emotional even though he tried to hide it. His mothers all looked sad.

"It's sad that big sister left yesterday." Will's third sister left yesterday saying that she can't bear to part with William. So William had to promise her that he will come to meet her in near future.

"Also remember what I told you. Before you turn 18, you're not allowed to have sex with any woman. If I find you have lost your virginity before turning 18, you will be severely punished." Joseph ordered William in a stern tone.

"I don't understand why I would have to wait till I am 18?" William asked in frustration. Making an incubus king not have sex for a year was the same as forbidding a vampire from drinking blood. It was his nature as the Incubus King and William has slowly come to accept that fate.

"You will understand once you reach 18."



"With your powers, you should have no problem dealing with level 30 monsters. But never underestimate your opponents. Also always stay cautious in the wilderness." Laura was lecturing William like a teacher. For some reason instead of having a sad face, she was looking happy. Over one month, the iceberg slowly melted and the frozen flower was beginning to bloom. It was all due to William.

"I understand."

"By the way, do you know if I can repair the black sword?" After learning that the black sword that he has been using was an Epic tier artifact, his heart ached in pain. William really wished to fix the sword without the artifact losing its Epic rank.

When high-tier broken artifact is fixed, there was a high probability that the artifact would lose its high rank and fall down to either gold or silver tier. Will did not want that to happen to his black sword.

"If you want to get your black sword fixed without losing its rank, then I suggest you head to the Dwarven Kingdom."

'Aside from my black sword, I am been planning on getting myself another sword. So I guess I should head to the Dwarven Kingdom.' After some thinking, William planned to visit the Dwarven Kingdom in a month. "Alright"

"One more thing before I leave does anyone has any agility-based skill?" With high agility, it was not difficult to even kill a level 50 for William. Having high agility would also ensure his safety. If possible William would love to learn all the skills that his parents possess but after fighting in the labyrinth he realized that rather than having too many skills at once it would be better to slowly find skills and take time to adapt. Adaptation was a very important phase. If William cannot adapt to his new skills and does not learn to use them at the right time, then he can never truly become strong.

"If you want to copy an agility move then you should have asked before?" Joseph stepped forward with a proud look on his face. He finally was getting the chance to teach his son one of his skills.

Blinking steps!


Joseph's figure became a blur. The next second he appeared 20 meters away from William.

"How is it?"

[Ding! The host has successfully observed and copied a new passive skill]

[Ding! Does the host wants to learn Blinking steps?]

[Yes] [No]

[Ding! Blinking steps have been learned.]

After learning this skill, William visibly felt his body getting lighter. "The awesome part about this skill is that even without needing to activate the skill, your agility is passively boosted to a certain extend."

"Thank you, father." William then bowed his head to everyone. "I hope you all will take care of yourselves." William steeled his heart and started walking leaving his family behind. He can't always stay at home. He was here to protect the world.

Seeing William walking away, Olivia couldn't hold her tears anymore. Joseph hugged her and comforted her. Jessica had a look of complication. She still can't forget what she saw that day. Marth and Layla both of their eyes were a little red.

Laura looked at William and then nodded her head to her mother. Rosie smiled and then disappeared.


If we can hit 400 power stones before this Sunday, aside from the regular 3 chapters, I will release extra 5 chapters.