Chapter 36:- [3rd Bonus Chapter] Questioning

[Ding! You have leveled up]

"Finally done." William sighed in relief. But unfortunately, he wasn't able to save most of the guards. In front of the rank gold assassins, the silver rank guards were like sheep in front of a lion. It's not that Will cared about those people who previously looked at him in disdain and mockery.

The only reason he tried to save them was that saving those men would have made the rest of the journey much easier. William was not a saint. From a young age, his parents have shown him society's ugly side. If needed, William won't hesitate to kill millions of people if he needed to protect his loved ones.

Even though God had sent him into this world to protect the world from getting destroyed, William was not here to play the role of hero. Rather than being a hero, William prefers to become the anti-hero. He has his own views. He had things that he wished to protect. William was a selfish man who only cared about himself and the people he loved.

Silas looked around and then glanced at the man who he previously thought of as an extra weight was the one who saved their life. Silas felt ashamed of what he said previously.

"Cain...." Rosie's face was slightly pale from using too much of her mana. Unlike William, all of her skills had reached a very high level. Using those high-level skills, she can easily take down stronger enemies than her. But the more powerful her enemies were, the more mana she needed to use in order for her skills to be effective against her opponent.

"Are you alright?" William asked in a concerned tone as he wiped the sweat off her forehead and then let her lean against his chest.

Huff! huff!

"Give me some time. I will recover my mana using the charm of mediation skill." William took out a comfortable chair from the storage ring and let Rosie sit on the chair while he cleans things up.

Liam walked out of the carriage as he looked at William and Rosie feeling guilty for his previous behavior. The things he had said and the way he ignored William and Rosie throughout the journey made him feel very ashamed of his behavior.

Liam looked around, even though he couldn't see everything because of the darkness, he still was able to see many bodies lying on the ground. Around the large campfire, there were countless dead bodies, blood, and weapons lying on the ground.

Of 25 guards, only 5 managed to survive. From the 5 survivors, only 1 of them managed to get away with small injuries, while the other 4 had bad injuries. If not for the healing potion, Silas made them drink they would have died from blood loss.

Among all the assassins, William purposely left one of the weakest ones alive. As for the rest, he mercilessly slaughtered all of them. There was no way he was going to show them mercy after what they have done. The whole place around the campfire was now painted red in blood.

One by one William checked all the dead bodies of the assassins to see if he can find any clue about the person who hired them. After 5 minutes of the body search, William simply gathered all the bodies in one place.

White Flame!

Without caring about anyone, William summoned the White flame and burned all dead bodies of the assassins to ashes. As for the dead bodies of the Silas men he didn't do anything to them. Since they were his men, it was his responsibility.

"What are you going to do with him?" Silas walked behind William. He was surprised and shocked by the silver-white flame that almost instantly burned the bodies of the dead and turned them to ash.

Silas asked about the unconscious assassin. William could feel the anger behind Silas's voice. That man just lost his men. If William had not stopped him, he would have tortured the assassin to death. "I going to ask him some questions. After that, he is yours."

Silas nodded his head. His eyes were full of gratitude. Not only his client would have died, but even he would also have been dead. It is because of William and Rosie that they managed to survive this ambush.

"Mr. Cain, I deeply apologize for my previous actions." Liam bowed his head to William. But he just ignored him as he walked past him without even saying a word.

"Don't misunderstand, I did not save you because I am a kind or a compassionate person. I only saved you because you're my client. I know if instead of those guards, if it was me and Rose who had died, you wouldn't have cared a little bit. So don't pretend to be a good man to lick my boots." With this fight, it was clear that only William and Rosie had the power to save him, so now he came to lick William's boots and try to get on his good side.

Liam further lowered his head in shame. What William just said was the truth. He was a merchant. To him, the lives of the people mattered as much as his interest. He was only seeking the option by trying to get closer to William which would also ensure his survival if there is another ambush.

Silas glanced at Liam in disgust. If he had known that Liam was this kind of man, he simply wouldn't have become his guard.

"You do that cleaning, I already have done my part." William said to Silas as he proceeded to make another campfire 50 meters away from the carriage. Since the area near the campfire was full of blood, William decided to move a little further away.

Wood Manipulation!

With the wave of his hand, A small wooden house appeared in everyone's view. Liam felt his eyes were nearly going to pop out. Silas didn't look calm either. Now he was beginning to understand why William remained calm all the time.

Sitting on a chair in front of the campfire, Will waited for Rosie to recover her mana.

After a while.....

"Wow, did you build this?" Rosie looked small wooden house. The house was built next to a big tree. The house was about 15 meters. Since they were going to spend only a single night here, William decided to not build the house too big.

"Yeah. The mana consumption is too high. Almost [100+] of my mana was exhausted just to build this small house."

"My dear, you will have to do training. You will have to control the amount of mana you use. You could have saved almost 90% of your mana if you can control the amount of mana you use while using wood Manipulation." William helplessly sighed and nodded his head.

"Do you want to have anything? Should I make you another sandwich?" She gently asked as she sat next to Will in front of the campfire.

"Just relax and enjoy this beautiful. There is no need for you to do anything." Ever since William became the Ruler of Night, he strangely felt more warm and safe in the dark. He felt the darkness of the night protecting him. While man and animal are by instinct attracted toward the light, he was more attracted to darkness.

"Does being the ruler of night gives you some form of passive powers?" Rosie wondered as he had seen just how powerful William was. He was literally a monster in the darkness. He was quick. Almost like a fish in the water. He was even more frightening than those assassins.

"Yes. Night and darkness are my allies. By the way, I want you to check on him." Taking out a bottle of water, he poured the water on the unconscious assassins.

"Where am I?" The assassin quickly realized that he has been caught by the enemy. He quickly tried to commit suicide by biting his tongue but before that could happen Rosie already had hypnotized him.

"Will, he is ready to answer any question you ask." After nodding his head, William sat right before the assassin and coldly looked at him.

"Who hired you all to kill us?"

"I don't know. A month ago, we were ordered to kill any merchant passing by this route. For the entire month, we have been waiting here, killing any merchant that took this route."

"Who ordered you?"

"I don't know. The order came from the higher-ups."

[Ding! The host has completed the first option.]

[Ding! Option 1: - Investigate the reason behind the disappearance of the adventurer party groups.]

[Ding! Reward: - (15+ free stats points, the host has obtained Godly Massaging skill, and the host's reputation in the SouthSnow city and other neighboring cities will be increased.)]

William closed his eyes as he sighed in relief. 'So all the merchant's disappearance was done by the assassins.'

"Alright, tell me about your assassin base?"


3rd Promised Bonus Chapter!!!