The next few days went by in a similar way, Sakuta went to meet Futaba in school and Mai and Masashi stayed with Futaba in Sakuta's house. They had a few dates every once in a while too.
Sakuta helped out when Futaba had a run-in with the stalker guy who texted her due to the inappropriate account she had made before the summer break and had some fireworks fun with her and Kunimi while Mai and Masashi were having a gaming marathon with Futaba with Mai winning every game that they played by a long shot.
Mai utterly decimated her two opponents and left to get some snacks.
The bell rings and Futaba goes to open the door.
She sees Sakuta who looks half dead at the door.
"You seem tired."
"Here." Sakuta just hands her the phone that he got from the other Futaba.
"She said that she deleted the account. She probably won't do it again." Sakuta continues.
"I see."
"I'll fill you in on the details later. Right now I'm sleepy, gotta hit the sack." He leaves the phone with her and walks back to his apartment.
Futaba just opens the phone and looks at the image of Sakuta, Kunimi and the other her playing with the fireworks.
The image makes her feel that she's probably not needed and should just disappear.
*knock* "Oww" Before she could go down that depressing thought process, Masahi just knocks some sense into her head, literally.
Futaba glares at him while holding her head looking cute.
"What? Do you think Sakuta gave you the phone to wallow in self-misery? No, he gave it to you to let you see what things can be like. You just need to accept yourself."
"I'm going to disappear. I'm going to disappear from your lives and this town. This world isn't big enough for two Futaba Rios.
"My other self is clearly doing a much better job living my life than I ever could. She's become a part of this world. If I go away, everything will be fine."
"That's not a solution, you're just running away."
"There's nothing wrong with it."
"Your entire thought process is wrong."
"Well, what about this photo?" Futaba says showing Masashi the photo.
She starts tearing up, "I would've killed to be in that. What else am I supposed to think after seeing this? I don't have a place here anymore. Nobody needs me."
"19th August, 6:30 PM, Kugenuma Beach Station. I got this text from Sakuta, asking me and Mai to come for the Fireworks show there. He'll be there with Futaba and Kunimi."
"I'm not-" Futaba tries to say something but Masashi interrupts her.
"You're not needed here anymore? If you go away, it'll solve everything? Deep down you're scared and have no real idea what to do.
"You're both Futaba, whether you like it or not.
"There's nothing wrong with hating yourself. I'm sure Sakuta barely likes himself as he is.
"You don't need to stop hating yourself, you just need to accept the fact that you do"
"Normally, you would say, 'You can gradually come to love yourself,' or, 'there are plenty of good things about you," or something along those lines senpai."
"That positivity is completely fake and serves no purpose than to further meaningless propaganda. That shit will wear you the fuck out."
"You're really blunt, huh senpai?"
"I am and you love me for it."
"Save that stuff for Sakurajima senpai." Futaba gives Masashi a deadpan look.
"I have to make a call." Futaba goes to the other room and calls her home number.
After a while, Masashi goes in and sees no one in the room. The phone is lit up and fallen on the ground.
He picks it up and sees that it's still on call.
"Senpai, can you bring my phone back to me? I seem to have made a little mistake."
Masashi smiles, imagining the blushing face that she must be making. "Sure. Don't worry. I'll bring it over."
"And senpai, don't be late for the fireworks show."
"You got it."
On August 19th. Mai and Masashi are getting ready for the fireworks show. Both wearing Yukatas.
"Mai you look amazing in a yukata." She's wearing a green floral yukata with a pink sash.
Masashi brings out a blue orchid with a purple tint to it and shows it to Mai, "I got this for your hair."
Mai just smiles and says, "Put it on me."
Masashi fixes the flower in her hair and they leave the apartment to meet up with the other three.
Futaba is talking with Kunimi and Sakuta at the train station, waiting for Mai and Masashi.
"You brought back the glasses?" Asks Kunimi.
"D-Do they look weird?" Futaba stutters a little.
"You look great in that yukata, right Sakuta?" Kunimi complements Futaba.
"It's kinda sensual, right Kunimi?" Sakuta says while checking out Futaba.
"You've got a point there."
"This is why I didn't want to wear a yukata." Futaba just sighs.
The trio finally spots Mai and Masashi walking out of the train station.
"Senpai." The three of them wave in our direction.
"Damn, Futaba you look like a bombshell. You should wear more tight clothes, emphasize that hot bod." As Masashi says that, Mai pinches his waist hard.
"Ow, I'm sorry, I shouldn't flirt with other girls when out with my girlfriend."
"That's better," Mai says, still not letting go of Masashi.
"Can you let me free?"
"No, I don't think I will," Mai says.
"Damn, even if you don't know about the history behind that reference you still use it well."
The five of them take the seat in the last row of the stands which is basically empty except for them.
Masashi checks up with his security detail guy and makes sure there's no paparazzi around to ruin everyone's mood.
As the fireworks start, Mai has this look of wonder on her face and Masashi can't help but turn her head toward him and kiss her for a few seconds before going back to look at the fireworks.
Mai just hugs his arm and leans her head on his shoulder while looking at the fireworks.
"Can you look at those love birds? Makes me want to punch them." Futaba says.
"I suggest you don't, he may not look it but Masashi senpai is a monster under human skin. I once saw him utterly decimate the entire karate club of our school without letting anyone get a single hit on him. All of that because one of the members was saying some unpleasant things about Sakurajima-senpai. I'm still scared of him a little after seeing that." Kunimi says.
"Yeah but that was just a series of one-on-one fights right?" Sakuta interjects.
"Nope, all of them were going at him together. That's what makes not getting hit even once such a big deal."
"Crazy." x2
Futaba changes the topic abruptly while the fireworks are at their peak and whispers something into Kunimi's ear.
She pulls back and looks down, "Don't bother answering. I already know it."
"And I'll probably start crying if you say anything right now."
"Sakuta says that he'll offer you his yukata sleeve if you do."
"You can blow your nose on it," Sakuta interjects.
"Baka." Futaba just tells him off and continues to look at the fireworks.
"Kunimi, make up with your girlfriend. You probably fought over me or Azusagawa, right?"
"Yeah, I guess I'll call her later."
Futaba wipes her teary eyes while looking at the fireworks.
"No one seems to care about why I didn't bring my girlfriend here."
"Gee, I wonder why?" "You were serious with her?"
Futaba and Kunimi are surprised that his relationship with Tomoe hasn't gone to shit by now.
"I know that she can be a little immature and bratty but she's good at heart." Sakuta defends her.
"Oh yeah? Why isn't she here then?" Futaba says.
Sakuta gets embarrassed and says, "She's busy with her friends."
"There you have it. We tried including her in the group. If she doesn't want anything to do with us that's her thing." Futaba continues.
"Fine, fine, I won't force you guys to like her."
The morning of September 1st was a weird one.
Masashi woke up with Mai in his arms, as usual, but what was not usual was her reaction.
The first thing she did after opening her eyes was to scream out loud.
"Kyaaaa. Pervert, who are you? Why are you in my bed?" 'Mai' shouts at Masashi first thing in the morning.
"What the hell Mai, are you roleplaying as a bratty bitch? Do you need me to discipline you or something? If you want that continue."
Masashi unconsciously releases his [Intimidation]. He doesn't hold back on the use of intimidation, especially around Mai since he knows that it doesn't even affect her.
The current situation is a little different from what usually happens. After Masashi released [Intimidation] 'Mai' just froze in place.
Masashi instantly stopped using it when he realized that it was affecting her.
"Who are you? Why are you occupying my girlfriend's body? Where is she?" Masashi asks panicking, thinking, 'Why the fuck was [Gamer's Mind] ineffective?'
Masahi worriedly looks for Mai using the soul connection and finds her in an apartment nearby. Feeling her safe and sound and asleep he turns back to 'Mai' in front of him who's still frozen.
He shakes her and asks, "Why are you in my girlfriend's body?