A boast of power

As soon as Da Fu opened the door, something unexpected happened. A gun barrel was smashed against his face. His nose broke and a stream of blood poured down from it. His eyes turned blurry. He was in agony.

But not for long, because he soon lost consciousness.

The person who hit Da Fu with a gun could be none other but Bai Chen. He did not pause to look at the unconscious Da Fu who fell to the floor. He quickly ran inside the cockpit. The handing holding the gun was raised and the gun was thrown.

Bo Kuang panicked when he heard something happening. He turned to the door.

Once he had seen Da Fu knocked out, his expression changed. He was about to shout out that he had hostages and if anyone dared come any closer, he would shoot them.

But he did not have the chance to do so. A gun flew at him and hit his face hard, breaking two of his teeth. Blood poured out of his mouth.