An unbelievable story

It did not take even a minute for Bai Chen to bring the body of Tai Yang the Strange into the confines of the four-star formation.

He released the collar of the outfit on the body before looking at it a little. Bai Chen found that Tai Yang the Strange had died with his eyes wide open. Both eyes were rolled back so that the whites could be seen and revealed the fear in them.

Bai Chen had had no conflict with the old man from the start, so he closed the eyes using his hand.

‘Now that Tai Yang is dead, the Lunar Land sect should no longer be in danger.’

Bai Chen thought this to himself before rising to his feet after closing Tai Yang’s eyes a moment earlier.

He stood still for a while before using the stargazing walker skill to collect his four-star formation.

He spent less than ten minutes doing so, before sending it back into the dimension ring instantly.

After stowing away the four-star formation, Bai Chen brought Tai Yang the Strange’s body to the inner pavilion.