The face-to-face encounter

Time passed until noon, but Bai Chen did not go anywhere. He was still sitting inside the coffee shop. Three empty coffee cups were laid before him, along with cake plates.

It was obvious that during the time that passed, he had ordered more items just to be able to sit there a little bit longer.

He already finished two cups of coffee. The third one was only half full. There was a slice and a half of cake left.

Bai Chen blinked with disappointment. He heaved out a sigh.

His eyes were still fixed on the outside, but nothing had happened. He could not help but sigh.

Mission 21 was not complicated. He only needed to take care of the killer that intended to assassinate the person he had to help. The hard part was he did not know when that was going to happen.

Bai Chan had been waiting almost two hours, but nothing had happened yet.

‘Or is it not today?’ Bai Chen wondered.