The Hell Shadow International Assassin Association

In regards to the question that Xu Xin Tong had asked, Bai Chen was lost in thought for a moment because he could not just reply carelessly. He had to word his answer well.

In less than a minute, Bai Chen finally came up with some choices. There were two of them.

The first one was to lie to Xu Xin Tong that he did not know the man, and the second one was another lie about how he was actually a relative of his 30-year old self, like what Xu Xin Tong had thought.

He could not help but spend some more time thinking about it. It took him longer than the first time, but still less than a minute.

The best answer for him turned out to be the second choice. The reason why he would lie that he was a relative of his 30-year old self was that their faces looked alike, being different only in age.

It seemed like a better answer than saying that he did not know that man at all. That was why he chose the second option.