The tertiary eternal level

A short while after he started following Namiana, Bai Chen saw a mountain. Even though it was not as high as Fan Jia mountain, it was still considered very high, and it was located in the centre of the forest.

There were a great many trees around it. The air was fresh. This was probably the place with the freshest air in China right now.

Namiana led Bai Chen to the summit. She landed and stood still.

“Bai Chen, train inside that cave. It’ll help you level up faster.” Namiana indicated it by pointing. “Until you reach the tertiary eternal level, don’t leave the cave. I have some business to attend to.”

Bai Chen looked at where Namiana pointed and saw a cave. He nodded. His face was serious. “No problem.”

After he said that, he walked into the cave without hesitation.

Namiana looked at Bai Chen’s back as he walked away and nodded with satisfaction. Before she went away, the smile that appeared on her face showed both happiness and grief.