Time flows like a stream

At that moment, Bai Chen’s facial expression changed. He looked up in one direction. His eyes showed curiosity. He sighed and shook his head before turning back to everyone.

“I’ll be back.”

Then, his body faded away like a fog without waiting for a reply from anyone.

The rest of them were confused. They did not know why Bai Chen had been in such a rush.

Bai Chen appeared again in the sky above, over 1000 metres from the ground. He looked ahead where 2 figures were standing—one wore a t-shirt, black pants, and black leather shoes.

The other one was a silver-haired woman in a white flowery dress.

“Here at last, main body,” Bai Chen said to the man. Yes, he was the real Bai Chen.

Bai Chen smiled at him. Namiana was standing behind him quietly. She acted like a good wife who followed her husband around.

“I’m here.” He spoke and looked down below. He saw the twins, Bai Wai Ching and Bai Wai Suan, who were boasting about the things in their hands.