Useless Weaklings, Ten-hut! Pt4

At the top of the tall skyscraper, two individuals were talking to each other with serious looks.

Unaware of the squadron sent towards them.

On one side was a platinum blonde stranger. A man who seemed out of place. The skulls on his outfit made him seem like he belonged at a Heavy Metal concert rather in a base full of thugs and the Mafia.

Opposite him was a suited figure sitting down. His looks practically screamed 'Mafia Boss', especially when adding his intimidating stare and fiery crimson hair. He looked pretty scary overall.

"You... can really heal her?" This 'Father' and ringleader of the mafioso asked in suspicion.

An exhausted look in his eyes had appeared.

"Just waking someone up is easy enough." The gothic man gave a professional smile in response.

"What do you want in return?" There was no way this mysterious individual would help him for free.

In the same room, there was a black-haired sleeping beauty hooked up to some medical machines. She seemed to be in a state similar to having her time suspended for eternal rest.

The girl, Sara Lancaster, was practically dead already, but her father insisted that she was alive.

Sara just needed healing. Surely, that was it...

Even the man who came to make a transaction sympathised with the Mafia Boss's plight. He had rarely seen such evil men show such concern for their offspring. Perhaps it was just human nature.

But was a perfect time to take advantage of him...

The mysterious figure leaned forward with a dastardly smile and spoke without any restraints:

"Your family has 'that' now, doesn't it?"

Kyle Lancaster's eyes dilated and constricted upon hearing his words. It was such a vague phrase, but the man's expression spoke as if he 'knew' of that treasure- No, the cursed entity that they sealed.

"I don't know what-" (Kyle)

"Don't even try to hide it from me. Your family was once at the frontlines of the First World Ender War.

Although they lost a lot, that doesn't change the fact that they indeed acquired 'treasures'." (???)

"So you came to me on purpose...?" (Kyle)

"Obviously~ What? Feeling disappointed?" (???)

"How immature... Anyway, we don't have what you're looking for." Kyle averted his eyes.

"You don't even know what I'm looking for." (???)

"I don't need to know." Kyle slammed the table.

The air froze as negotiations seemed to be breaking down. A flame surrounded the mafioso.

Turning him into a titan born of flames.

"Let me explain it to you then." But the man who'd came to treat his daughter didn't seem moved.

"...I'm fine." (Kyle)

"Trust me, I insist~" The gothic man then went into detail about why he contacted in the first place.

Going into deep detail and over-sharing too much.

This world was split into the 'Earthland Domain' and the 'Underworld', with the Gate leading to Samsara's dreadful 'Animal Realm' being opened wide. From there, dark creatures of magic that possessed bodies to gain form invaded society.

These creatures were called 'Anima'.

It was said that back in the war, living shadows of animals and men walked side by side to invade the Earthland Dominion. It was only thanks the Hero of the People, Celest Vagabond, that humanity won.

Know on knew how he did it, but from that point forward: 'Human Shadows' never appeared again.

It lightened the burden on humanity, as intelligent Anima were just too hard to deal with. They were practically kings amongst tamed beasts that followed their orders without thought of their lives.

Even 'Mythical Shadows' of Dragons and other creatures that had one roamed the Earth weren't as difficult to deal with. Just as Anima themselves found the combined might of humanity troubling.

Even those 'zombies' affected by the Extinction Virus weren't as dangerous as Anima were...

Especially since the only way to truly slay them was by extracting 'Nethersteel' from their bodies and turning them into weapons. These materials were extremely expensive and off-limits to the public.

Understandably, keeping an Anima alive was also against basic regulations to cull threats to humans.

"So why did the greatLancaster Family break the rules?" When the man got to here, he chuckled.

Kyle's face was dark. He held his knuckles and was wondering if he should silence this thief or not.

He knew why anyone would want that Anima.

It was because, although 'Human Shadows' were dangerous, they were also useful sources of power.

The perfect weapon material…

Even if this Anima's 'possession' didn't overwrite a person's personality, this wasn't all positive.

It let those greedy smuggle them into the bounds of Border City. A forbidden act that could kill them.

The government could purge them for this sin.

But this only made it a much rarer commodity.

On top of that, the annihilation of the rest of the Human Shadows among Anima made having one in their possession a true treasure. Perhaps even refine it in interesting ways should it be required.

The Boss himself was planning to use it on his daughter if all other methods of waking her failed...

That's why he couldn't silently give it up.

Even if this bastard explained how he'd searched everywhere to find it, he just couldn't give it away.

"What you want isn't here." Kyle lied with a straight face. He didn't want to give away his final lifeline.

"Apparently so... Then I guess our conversation ends here, right?" The man looked disappointed.

"Wait!" The Mafia Boss tried to stop him.

"Now what...?" (???)

"I can give you something of equal value." These words interested gothic figure standing before him.

"...I'm listening." (???)

"My family once defeated a particularly strong UnderWorlder and took his equipment." (Kyle)

"Not interested." (???)

"It's a 'Divine Weapon'." These words spoken without hesitation made the man stop in his tracks.

Compared to the 'Treasured Artifact' being used to heal Sara, a 'Divine Weapon' was different.

Not only was it made using the best refinement methods in the Underworld, there wasn't many of them in total. Particularly strong 'Divine Weapons' were even harder to find than Treasured Weapons.

The Mafia Boss got one of his subordinates to put down a long suitcase. When opened, what was revealed was an outstanding and legendary sword that the gothic figure already knew the name of.

"Excalibur..." The goth took a deep breath. This haul was beyond expectations. He had to admit it.

They say that weapons like these could only be made with a material from the 'Outer Realm' of Samsara. By adding it in, the weapon given would display a might and power beyond comprehension.

It was the power to bring legends into reality. To turn what was once fictional into a 'real' entity.

This was why the sword before him wasn't just a well put together replica of Excalibur, it really was the 'Excalibur' talked about in fiction. A sword that could release energy waves and slay monsters.

The sword once wielded by the peerless warrior and fanfiction of among fanfiction icon, Arthur Pendragon. That King who had so many iterations that finding his 'original story' was close to impossible. His true nature was hard to pin down.

Some say he caused a massacre of children to find and kill his incestuous offspring mothered by Morgan Le Fay, his half-sister. Others call him a benevolent and wise king who put citizens first.

Regardless, many tended to romanticise his tales and modernise his 'archetype'. Some traits such as having the blood or dragons and so on were put in and taken out. Even his divine right to rulership through bloodline hardly ever mattered anymore.

It was an odd situation.

Even though the story was as popular in Great Britain as 'The Journey To The West' novel was in China, it could never fully embrace its history and shake off the restraints of 'consistency'.

Sun Wukong, the Monkey King, was easy to describe due to having an 'original' to draw inspiration from. However, the description of 'King Arthur' changed depending solely on the author.

Sometimes he was an antagonistic force who tried to separate Guinevere and Lancelot, and other times he was the poor victim of his wife's affair with Lancelot, who himself was a fanfic character added later to the mythos via Arthurian Romance.

But still... regardless of the quality of the fictions written, the Arthurian Romances of the past affected the Divine Weapon 'Excalibur' of today. It gave the sword a fickle nature unlike others.

Even the 'Martial Artist' the Lancaster Family defeated before attaining this weapon didn't only use one version of it. He split the sword into eight pieces, which returned to this form after his defeat.

The only unappealing trait about the Divine Weapon was that it looked a little old and rusty.

But this much didn't deter a cooperation...

Coincidentally, the platinum-haired 'healer' had actually been searching for this weapon as well.

The moment he let out his excitement. He'd lost.

Kyle knew from that very moment that there was no choice but for the man to make a deal. He could try to use force, but that wouldn't possibly succeed with the impeccable defences of their home base.

The moment he did. Swarms of thugs would attack him without giving the man any room to breath.

That's why Kyle spoke with a stalwart demeanour:

"I'll use this as my bargaining chip. Don't act like this much 'sincerity' on my part isn't enough."

"You got me good..." The platinum-haired goth didn't hesitate. He walked up to the comatose girl.

Then his hand stroked the patient's forehead...

A strange and undetectable energy arose from his body, yet all Kyle saw was visible changes on Sara.

His daughter started to look less pale. For the first time in a long while, she actually started breathing again. The 'stasis' effect on her body was shattered at that moment like a piece of glass.

She was finally alive…

Breathing like a normal person.

'I have saved you. I kept my promise…!' Kyle wasn't able to stop himself from embracing his daughter.

Pushing the goth to the side in annoyance.

In such an emotional moment, Kyle didn't notice the thin smile on the gothic man's dreary face.

"Have fun." The man spoke before leaving. He let the Mafia Boss be enveloped by his emotions.

Truthfully, there was no way he'd leave despite getting a worthwhile item out of his venture.

"Wait." Kyle called out to him.

"Now what?" He spoke while holding 'Excalibur'.

"I never got your name." (Kyle)

"Because you never asked." All the Mafia Boss did was check his 'qualifications' after he came in under the guise of a healer... by gunning one of his own subordinate. It was a surprising event.

After 'healing' that man and bringing him back from the brink of death, he was offered this treasure.

"Ahem... Well, I want to ask now." Seeing the slight embarrassment of the Mafia Boss, the man signed.

Then answered with a strange name:


"...What?" (Kyle)

"Didn't you ask for it? My name...?" (Talegrimm)

"That doesn't sound like a name. More like..." Kyle became uncomfortable while holding onto his gun.

The atmosphere suddenly became darker...

"Don't misunderstand. It's not a 'Title' like those UnderWorlders like using. It's my real name." It may seem like a dangerous situation, what with all the thugs starting to surround him, but he didn't flinch.

The Mafia Boss misunderstood this as confidence stemming from truly being innocent of all charges.

He didn't want any respected man against him...


"Is it your first name or last name?" (Kyle)

"Both." (Talegrimm)

"...And you ask me to believe you?" The reason he hadn't twisted this man's head off was because he was still feeling emotional. The large figure of the Earthland Domain's 'underworld' let him go.

It was his reward for saving his daughter...

"Believe whatever you want. Let me give you some good advice though: You may want to brace yourself." These words caused the man some mild confusion. He didn't understand what he meant.

"For what?" (Kyle)

"You've been too aboveboard with your actions lately. A 'Numbered Squad' is probably after you now." These words spilled out with ease. Those thugs who realised what he meant chuckled.

"They're a bunch of greenhorns. I don't know why that 'Academy' was made, but they're just kids."

"You'd best not think of them that way. At least, not tonight... You can't leave that girl's side, after all."

"Are you worried or something?" (Kyle)

"Only for my dear 'patient'." An eerie smile came to his face. A creepy look of affection arose on it.

"Stop looking, or I'll pull out those eyes." Kyle didn't like the way he looked at his daughter one bit.

He was so emotional that he became both a cage and protective barrier that enveloped the girl.

Not noticing the changes in her gaze.

Perhaps this was because he originally hadn't been close to his daughter at all. Only caring after an illness had nearly killed her. From this day forth, he wanted to be a better father than a mafioso.

Becoming an overprotective parent.

'Is his tastes also immature?' The big man blocked Talegrimm's vision using his body as a shield.

The clicking of some guns could be heard. The loyal members of the gang showed 'courtesy' by not shooting him. They felt the Boss's daughter was like their own. Regardless of blood relation.

Seeing this scene almost made the 'healer' laugh out loud, but he decided to hold it in for now.

There was no point agitating them any further...

"Anyway, take care of your daughter." (Talegrimm)

"I don't need to tell me that." The gothic man finally left, leaving the people in the room by themselves.

"Boss, should we..." One thug ended his words while making a slicing gesture on his throat.

"Don't. He still saved my daughter's life." (Kyle)

"But he's so disgusting!" (???)

"Jack, just raise the security level. I don't want anyone who can remotely harm her nearby."

"...Understood." The man holding two blades sighed while holding back his innate bloodlust.

He felt suspicious of the night all of a sudden...