14.Mandos son.

Mando left the university soon after she found out her pregnancy.Her parents were supportive .They never asked her about the paternity .Instead they were happily preparing to be grand parents.A child out of wedlock was not acceptable in any community .Luckily Mando had different parents.They showered her with food she liked.

Mando was working in a local clinic as an apprentice to a Great Veda.This physician had mastered in acupuncture and surgeries.He taught his clever intern all his skills.When Mando was close to the term she was able to work as a physician herself without fear or reluctance .

Her life was not unhappy.It was true that she harboured memories of Ravan.Her part of life was shut down . She wanted to be held by him .She never asked him to marry her.She never wanted to go after him shielding her pregnancy as a bait.

"It is true that this child was his.But the child is mine too."

Moreover she had no clue where this ceylon was or how to reach there.She told her parents about Ravan.

She wanted to tell her child about his great dad.If one day he comes she wanted to introduce him as his father.

One fine morning Mando went in to labour.After hours of suffering she delivered a black haired son with ivory colour skin.Her father named him "Indra"

Her family welcomed Indra with great love.He would not have felt the lack of a fathers love.He was healthy and strong as all the Rakshas, his fathers clan.

The day he was born his father got married to his life long friend Dhanya.The country was coloured with happiness .Dhanyas father was the happiest man that day.Vibhi ,Ravans younger brother was the only person who was unhappy about the marraige .Vibhi knew his brother Dhanya and Malan very well.He knew it was a marraige of convenience, a political alliance rather than a love marriage.

In the wedding night Dhanya and Ravan worked in their sky lab as usual as good scientists.They had a common mission in science.They never shared a bed.Ravan had a deep affection and honour towards Dhanya .He couldnt think of her as his wife.He loved her.He would have given life for her.But he would not touch her privacy.She was a gem on Ravans crown.His love towards Dhanya was a different kind of love than what he felt with Mando. He was not attracted to her beauty.He couldnt see as beautiful as Janaki.He would not have mould her figure on clay.

Ravan had no jealousy towards Malan.He was thinking about Mando.As he was not their Mando might fell in love with another.The thought made him trembled.Yes I will kill him. I do not want anybody near Mando.That night he decided to go after Mando.

Ravans culture allowed him multiple partners.There was no barrier to him to marry another woman.He had a long chat with Dhanya.She was happy to see her sister wife.How lucky he was to have Dhanya as his wife.

The rumour of the kings second marraige was spreaded through out the country.No body knew the bride.